Data Exporters ============== Within the framework there is no such thing as an "export" per se. Everything functions as an import, i.e. the "local" side *imports* from the "host" side. See :ref:`import-vs-export` for more on that. But there are a couple of caveats: .. _declare-exporter: Declaring an Exporter --------------------- In practice it's possible to mark any importer as being of the "export" persuasion. This doesn't (usually) affect the underlying logic, but is done e.g. to make command line usage and output more sensible for us humans. To do this, set the :attr:`~rattail:rattail.importing.handlers.ImportHandler.direction` for your import handler to the value, ``'export'``. .. _common-exporters: "Common" Exporters ------------------ TODO: describe e.g. SQLAlchemy -> CSV export, which dynamically generates its own importer classes