Rattail Tutorial ================ First of all, welcome to Rattail! This project is a tutorial of sorts, to show how to use Rattail in the real world. (It is accordingly named 'rattail-tutorial'.) While it aims to cover many areas, this tutorial is not exhaustive. This project's goals include: * show how to setup your development environment * show how to create a new project * show how to get your project up and running, i.e. with a database and web app * show how to customize and extend your app in various ways, to suit your needs * show how to integrate with another system (CORE-POS) in a custom way * provide a "working example" of all documented concepts That last one means, you can install and run the rattail-tutorial app yourself, and e.g. further customize it to get a feel for Rattail. Please see `https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-tutorial/ `_ for the latest version of this document. Front Matter ------------ It will be helpful to understand a few things before you get started: **Rattail itself is a "library" more than it is an "app".** The idea is that the Rattail Project will provide "most" of the base functionality you need from an app, but ultimately you must create a project of your own, which "uses" Rattail functionality to accomplish *your* goals. **Rattail docs always refer to "your" app with the name "Poser".** In fact this tutorial will *not* be using the name "Poser" (much) - but that is usually what you will see in all *other* docs, to represent "your" (i.e. any custom) app. **This "rattail-tutorial" project is a proper app.** Following from the previous point, this project/app is named "rattail-tutorial" and therefore instead of using the name "Poser" within this tutorial, we will be using its *actual* name. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 setup-dev create-project start-docs configure pkg-release make-db run-webapp customize/index Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`