Source code for rattail.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Auth Handler

See also :doc:`rattail-manual:base/handlers/other/auth`.

import secrets
import warnings

from sqlalchemy import orm
import sqlalchemy_continuum as continuum

from import GenericHandler, MergeMixin

[docs] class AuthHandler(GenericHandler, MergeMixin): """ Base class and default implementation for the so-called "auth" handler, by which we mean "authentication and authorization". In practice this is also responsible for creating new users, and various things pertaining to roles, etc. """
[docs] def authenticate_user(self, session, username, password): """ Authenticate the given user credentials, and if successful, return the user object. Default logic will (try to) locate a user record with matching username, then confirm the supplied password is also a match. You may of course define a custom handler and then could authenticate against anything you like, e.g. the POS system or LDAP etc. The only trick is that this must return a Rattail user, not some other kind. So you may have to devisde a way to auto-create the Rattail user as needed, when authentication for the external system succeeds. Generally speaking the credentials passed in will have come directly from a user login attempt in the web app etc. Again the default logic assumes a "username" but in practice it may be an email address etc. - whatever the user types. :param session: Current session for Rattail DB. :param username: Username as string. :param password: Password as string. :returns: On success, a :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` instance; else ``None``. """ from rattail.db.auth import authenticate_user return authenticate_user(session, username, password)
[docs] def authenticate_user_token(self, session, token): """ Authenticate the given user API token string, and if valid, return the corresponding User object. """ model = self.model try: token = session.query(model.UserAPIToken)\ .filter(model.UserAPIToken.token_string == token)\ .one() except orm.exc.NoResultFound: pass else: user = token.user if return user
[docs] def get_user(self, obj, **kwargs): """ Return the User associated with the given object, if any. """ model = self.model if isinstance(obj, model.User): return obj else: person = if person and person.users: # TODO: what if multiple users / ambiguous? return person.users[0]
[docs] def has_permission(self, session, principal, permission, include_guest=True, include_authenticated=True): """ Check if the given user or role has been granted the given permission. :param session: Current session for Rattail DB. :param principal: Either a :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` or :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.Role` instance. It is also expected that this may sometimes be ``None``, in which case the "Guest" role will typically be assumed. :param permission: Name of the permission for which to check. :param include_guest: Whether or not the "Guest" role should be included when checking permissions. If ``False``, then Guest's permissions will *not* be consulted. :param include_authenticated: Whether or not the "Authenticated" role should be included when checking permissions. :returns: Boolean indicating if the permission has been granted. """ perms = self.get_permissions(session, principal, include_guest=include_guest, include_authenticated=include_authenticated) return permission in perms
[docs] def get_permissions(self, session, principal, include_guest=True, include_authenticated=True): """ Return a set of permission names, which represents all permissions effectively granted to the given user or role. :param session: Current session for Rattail DB. :param principal: Either a :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` or :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.Role` instance. It is also expected that this may sometimes be ``None``, in which case the "Guest" role will typically be assumed. :param include_guest: Whether or not the "Guest" role should be included when checking permissions. If ``False``, then Guest's permissions will *not* be consulted. :param include_authenticated: Whether or not the "Authenticated" role should be included when checking permissions. :returns: Set of permission names. """ from rattail.db.auth import guest_role, authenticated_role # we will use any `roles` attribute which may be present. in practice we # would be assuming a User in this case if hasattr(principal, 'roles'): roles = [] for role in principal.roles: include = False if role.node_type: if role.node_type == self.config.node_type(): include = True else: include = True if include: roles.append(role) # here our User assumption gets a little more explicit if include_authenticated: roles.append(authenticated_role(session)) # otherwise a non-null principal is assumed to be a Role elif principal is not None: roles = [principal] # fallback assumption is "no roles" else: roles = [] # maybe include guest roles if include_guest: roles.append(guest_role(session)) # build the permissions cache cache = set() for role in roles: cache.update(role.permissions) return cache
def cache_permissions(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("method is deprecated, please use " "get_permissions() method instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_permissions(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def grant_permission(self, role, permission): """ Grant a permission to the role. If the role already has the permission, nothing is done. :param role: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.Role` instance. :param permission: Name of the permission as string. """ if permission not in role.permissions: role.permissions.append(permission)
[docs] def revoke_permission(self, role, permission): """ Revoke a permission from the role. If the role does not have the permission, nothing is done. :param role: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.Role` instance. :param permission: Name of the permission as string. """ if permission in role.permissions: role.permissions.remove(permission)
[docs] def generate_preferred_username(self, session, **kwargs): """ Generate a "preferred" username using data from ``kwargs`` as hints. Note that ``kwargs`` should be of the same sort that might be passed to the constructor for a new :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` instance. So far there is only one "hint" which is honored by the default logic; however the intention is to leave this flexible as other kinds of hints may be useful in the future. This method does not confirm if the username it generates is actually "available" for a new user. If you need confirmation then use :meth:`generate_unique_username()` instead. :param session: Current session for Rattail DB. :param person: Reference to a :class:`~rattail.db.model.people.Person` instance. If you specify this hint, then default logic will generate a username using first and last names, like ``'first.last'``. (You can override with a custom handler if needed.) :returns: Generated username as string. """ person = kwargs.get('person') if person: first = (person.first_name or '').strip().lower() last = (person.last_name or '').strip().lower() return '{}.{}'.format(first, last) return 'newuser'
def generate_username(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("method is deprecated, please use " "generate_preferred_username() method instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.generate_preferred_username(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def generate_unique_username(self, session, **kwargs): """ Generate a *unique* username using data from ``kwargs`` as hints. Note that ``kwargs`` should be of the same sort that might be passed to the constructor for a new :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` instance. This method is a convenience which does two things: First it calls :meth:`generate_preferred_username()` to obtain the "preferred" username. (It passes ``kwargs`` along when it makes the call. See :meth:`generate_preferred_username()` for more info.) Then it checks to see if the resulting username is already taken. If it is, then a "counter" is appended to the username, and incremented until a username can be found which is *not* yet taken. It returns the first "available" (hence unique) username which is found. Note that it is considered unique and therefore available *at the time*; however this method does not "reserve" the username in any way. It is assumed that you would create the user yourself once you have the username. :param session: Current session for Rattail DB. :returns: Username as string. """ model = self.model original_username = self.generate_preferred_username(session, **kwargs) username = original_username # only if given a session, can we check for unique username if session: counter = 1 while True: users = session.query(model.User)\ .filter(model.User.username == username)\ .count() if not users: break username = "{}{:02d}".format(original_username, counter) counter += 1 return username
[docs] def make_user(self, session=None, **kwargs): """ Make and return a new user. This is mostly just a simple wrapper around the normal :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` constructor. All ``kwargs`` for instance are passed on to the constructor. Default logic here only adds one other convenience: If there is no ``username`` specified in the ``kwargs`` then it will call :meth:`generate_unique_username()` to automatically provide a username. Note that all ``kwargs`` are passed along in that call. :param session: Current session for the Rattail DB. This is "sort of" optional, but please do provide it, as it may become requied in the future. :returns: A new :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` instance. """ model = self.model if 'username' not in kwargs: kwargs['username'] = self.generate_unique_username(session, **kwargs) user = model.User(**kwargs) if session: session.add(user) return user
[docs] def get_email_address(self, user, **kwargs): """ Get the "best" email address we have on file for the given user. """ warnings.warn("auth.get_email_address(user) is deprecated; please " "use app.get_contact_email_address(user) instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return
[docs] def get_short_display_name(self, user, **kwargs): """ Returns "short display name" for the user. This is for convenience of mobile view, at least... """ # TODO: this should reference employee.short_name employee = if employee and employee.display_name: return employee.display_name person = if person: if person.first_name and person.last_name: return "{} {}.".format(person.first_name, person.last_name[0]) if person.first_name: return person.first_name return user.username
[docs] def generate_raw_api_token(self): """ Generate a new *raw* API token string. """ return secrets.token_urlsafe()
[docs] def add_api_token(self, user, description, **kwargs): """ Add a new API token for the user. """ model = self.model session = # generate raw API token, in the form required for use within # the API client token_string = self.generate_raw_api_token() # create DB record for the token token = model.UserAPIToken( user=user, description=description, token_string=token_string) session.add(token) return token
[docs] def delete_api_token(self, token, **kwargs): """ Delete a new API token for the user. """ session = session.delete(token)
[docs] def get_merge_preview_fields(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a sequence of fields which will be used during a merge preview. """ F = self.make_merge_field return [ F('uuid'), F('username'), F('person_uuid', coalesce=True), F('person_name', coalesce=True), F('role_count'), # coalesced manually F('active', coalesce=True), F('sent_message_count', additive=True), F('received_message_count', additive=True), ]
[docs] def get_merge_preview_data(self, user, **kwargs): return { 'uuid': user.uuid, 'username': user.username, 'person_uuid': user.person_uuid, 'person_name': user.person.display_name if user.person else None, '_roles': user.roles, # needed for final role count 'role_count': len(user.roles), 'active':, 'sent_message_count': len(user.sent_messages), 'received_message_count': len(user._messages), }
[docs] def get_merge_resulting_data(self, removing, keeping, **kwargs): result = super(AuthHandler, self).get_merge_resulting_data( removing, keeping, **kwargs) # nb. must "manually" coalesce the role count result['role_count'] = len(set(removing['_roles'] + keeping['_roles'])) return result
[docs] def why_not_merge(self, removing, keeping, **kwargs): if removing.sent_messages: return "Cannot (yet) remove a user who has sent messages" if removing._messages: return "Cannot (yet) remove a user who has received messages" if removing._roles: return "Cannot (yet) remove a user who is assigned to roles"
[docs] def merge_update_keeping_object(self, removing, keeping): super(AuthHandler, self).merge_update_keeping_object(removing, keeping) session = model = self.model # update any notes authored by old user, to reflect new user notes = session.query(model.Note)\ .filter(model.Note.created_by == removing)\ .all() for note in notes: note.created_by = keeping
[docs] def delete_user(self, user, **kwargs): """ Delete the given user account. Use with caution! As this generally cannot be undone. Default behavior here is of course to delete the account, but it also must try to "remove" the user association from various places, in particular the continuum transactions table. Please note that this will leave certain record versions as appearing to be "without an author". :param user: Reference to a :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` to be deleted. :returns: Boolean indicating success. Note that the utility of this method even having a return value is deemed questionable, so it's possible in the future this may just return ``None`` on success, and raise an error to indicate failure. """ session = # disassociate user from transactions if self.config.versioning_has_been_enabled: self.remove_user_from_continuum_transactions(user) # finally, delete the user outright session.delete(user) return True
[docs] def remove_user_from_continuum_transactions(self, user): """ Remove the given user from all Continuum transactions, i.e. all data versioning tables. You probably will not need to invoke this directly; it is invoked as needed from within :meth:`delete_user()`. :param user: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` instance which should be purged from the versioning tables. """ session = model = self.model # remove the user from any continuum transactions # nb. we can use "any" model class here, to obtain Transaction Transaction = continuum.transaction_class(model.User) transactions = session.query(Transaction)\ .filter(Transaction.user_id == user.uuid)\ .all() for txn in transactions: txn.user_id = None