Source code for rattail.batch.vendorcatalog

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2022 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
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Handler for Vendor Catalog batches

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import decimal

from sqlalchemy import orm

from rattail.db import model
from rattail.batch import BatchHandler

[docs] class VendorCatalogHandler(BatchHandler): """ Handler for vendor catalog batches. """ batch_model_class = model.VendorCatalogBatch # make sure web app knows to employ versioning workarounds # TODO: i am actually not sure why these *always* seem to be needed for # this batch? maybe the product relationships are too "tight" somehow? populate_with_versioning = False refresh_with_versioning = False execute_with_versioning = False version_catchup_execute = [ 'ProductCost', ] # can set these to e.g. Decimal('0.01') to "ignore" cost diffs below that case_cost_diff_threshold = None unit_cost_diff_threshold = None
[docs] def allow_future(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether "future" cost changes should be allowed. :returns: ``True`` if future cost changes allowed; else ``False``. """ return self.config.getbool('rattail.batch', 'vendor_catalog.allow_future', default=False)
[docs] def should_populate(self, batch): # all vendor catalogs must come from data file return True
def setup(self, batch, progress=None): model = self.model # TODO: deprecate / remove this self.vendor = batch.vendor # maybe pre-cache all products if batch.get_param('cache_products'): self.products = {'upc': {}, 'vendor_code': {}} session = products = session.query(model.Product)\ .options(orm.joinedload(model.Product.brand))\ .options(orm.joinedload(model.Product.costs))\ .all() def cache(product, i): if product.upc: self.products['upc'][product.upc] = product cost = product.cost_for_vendor(batch.vendor) product.vendor_cost = cost if cost and cost.code: self.products['vendor_code'][cost.code] = product self.progress_loop(cache, products, progress, message="Caching products by UPC and vendor code") setup_populate = setup setup_refresh = setup
[docs] def populate(self, batch, progress=None): """ Default logic just invokes :meth:`populate_from_file()`. """ return self.populate_from_file(batch, progress=progress)
[docs] def populate_from_file(self, batch, progress=None): """ Populate the given batch using data from its input file. A catalog parser will be instantiated and asked to read row data from the file. Each row is then added to the batch. The batch must have valid :attr:`~rattail.db.model.batch.vendorcatalog.VendorCatalogBatch.filename` and :attr:`~rattail.db.model.batch.vendorcatalog.VendorCatalogBatch.parser_key` attributes. The path to the input file will be determined by invoking the :meth:`~rattail.db.model.batch.core.BatchMixin.filepath()` method on the batch. :param batch: The batch to be populated. :param progress: Optional progress factory. """ if not batch.filename: raise ValueError("batch does not have a filename: {}".format(batch)) if not batch.parser_key: raise ValueError("batch does not have a parser_key: {}".format(batch)) session = path = batch.filepath(self.config) vendor_handler = parser = vendor_handler.get_catalog_parser(batch.parser_key, require=True) parser.session = session parser.vendor = batch.vendor if not batch.effective: batch.effective = parser.parse_effective_date(path) self._input_has_case_sizes = False batch.set_param('input_has_case_sizes', False) self._input_has_vendor_codes = False batch.set_param('input_has_vendor_codes', False) def append(row, i): if not self._input_has_case_sizes and row.case_size is not None: self._input_has_case_sizes = True batch.set_param('input_has_case_sizes', True) if not self._input_has_vendor_codes and row.vendor_code is not None: self._input_has_vendor_codes = True batch.set_param('input_has_vendor_codes', True) self.add_row(batch, row) if i % 500 == 0: # pragma: no cover session.flush() data = list(parser.parse_rows(path, progress=progress)) self.progress_loop(append, data, progress, message="Adding initial rows to batch")
[docs] def identify_product(self, row): """ Try to locate the product represented by the given row. Lookups are done using either the ``upc`` or ``vendor_code`` attributes of the row. Under normal circumstances the batch handler will have pre-cached all existing products, for quicker lookup. For instance this is the case for the full populate and refresh actions. But this logic is able to do its own slower lookups if there is no cache available. :param row: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.vendorcatalog.VendorCatalogBatchRow` instance. :returns: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.products.Product` instance, or ``None`` if no match could be found. """ products_handler = session = # first try generic logic based on raw entry # TODO: this does not use the setup cache (self.products), # which means there is no point in even having a cache b/c we # take a hit up front when making it and then continually as # we query for items. either should improve the cache usage # or abandon it... if row.item_entry: product = products_handler.locate_product_for_entry( session, row.item_entry) if product: return product # then fall back to whatever catalog-specific logic we do # (using cache when possible) product = None if row.upc: if hasattr(self, 'products'): product = self.products['upc'].get(row.upc) else: product = products_handler.locate_product_for_gpc( session, row.upc) if not product and row.vendor_code: if hasattr(self, 'products'): product = self.products['vendor_code'].get(row.vendor_code) else: product = products_handler.locate_product_for_vendor_code( session, row.vendor_code, vendor=row.batch.vendor) return product
[docs] def refresh_row(self, row): """ Refresh data attributes and status for the given row. For a vendor catalog, the typical thing is done for basic product attributes. If case cost is known but unit cost is not, the latter will be calculated if possible. "Old" (i.e. "current" prior to batch execution) values will all be re-fetched from the main database(s), and "diff" values will be re-calculated. :param row: A :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.vendorcatalog.VendorCatalogBatchRow` instance. """ batch = row.batch # clear this first in case it's set row.status_text = None if not row.product: row.product = self.identify_product(row) if not row.product: row.status_code = row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND return product = row.product row.upc = row.product.upc row.item_id = row.product.item_id row.brand_name = if row.product.brand else None row.description = row.product.description row.size = row.product.size # maybe get case size from product master if (batch.has_param('input_has_case_sizes') and not batch.get_param('input_has_case_sizes')): products_handler = row.case_size = products_handler.get_case_size(product) # maybe calculate unit cost from case cost if row.unit_cost is None and row.case_cost is not None: if row.case_size is not None: # nb. sometimes both case size and cost are integers, # and simple division yields a float! this approach # should hopefully work regardless, to get a decimal. row.unit_cost = decimal.Decimal('{:0.4f}'.format( row.case_cost / row.case_size)) if hasattr(product, 'vendor_cost'): old_cost = product.vendor_cost else: old_cost = product.cost_for_vendor(batch.vendor) if not old_cost: row.status_code = row.STATUS_NEW_COST return # maybe get vendor code from product master if (batch.has_param('input_has_vendor_codes') and not batch.get_param('input_has_vendor_codes')): row.vendor_code = old_cost.code row.cost = old_cost row.old_vendor_code = old_cost.code row.old_case_size = old_cost.case_size row.old_case_cost = old_cost.case_cost row.old_unit_cost = old_cost.unit_cost # only consider vendor match if product does in fact have a vendor # TODO: at least i assume that's a reasonable idea? if row.product.costs: row.is_preferred_vendor = row.product.costs[0].vendor is row.batch.vendor self.refresh_cost_diffs(row) self.set_status_per_diffs(row)
def refresh_cost_diffs(self, row): # old_case_cost if row.case_cost is not None and row.old_case_cost is not None: row.case_cost_diff = row.case_cost - row.old_case_cost # old_unit_cost if row.unit_cost is not None and row.old_unit_cost is not None: row.unit_cost_diff = row.unit_cost - row.old_unit_cost if row.old_unit_cost: row.unit_cost_diff_percent = 100 * row.unit_cost_diff / row.old_unit_cost else: row.unit_cost_diff_percent = 100 def set_status_per_diffs(self, row): if row.vendor_code != row.old_vendor_code: row.status_code = row.STATUS_CHANGE_VENDOR_ITEM_CODE row.status_text = "new vendor item code {} differs from old code {}".format( repr(row.vendor_code), repr(row.old_vendor_code)) return if row.case_size != row.old_case_size: row.status_code = row.STATUS_CHANGE_CASE_SIZE row.status_text = "new case size {} differs from old case size {}".format( repr(row.case_size), repr(row.old_case_size)) return if row.case_cost != row.old_case_cost: diff_meets_threshold = True if self.case_cost_diff_threshold and self.case_cost_diff_threshold > abs( row.case_cost - row.old_case_cost): diff_meets_threshold = False if diff_meets_threshold: row.status_code = row.STATUS_CHANGE_COST row.status_text = "new case cost {} differs from old cost {}".format( repr(row.case_cost), repr(row.old_case_cost)) return if row.unit_cost != row.old_unit_cost: diff_meets_threshold = True if (self.unit_cost_diff_threshold and row.unit_cost is not None and row.old_unit_cost is not None and self.unit_cost_diff_threshold > abs( row.unit_cost - row.old_unit_cost)): diff_meets_threshold = False if diff_meets_threshold: row.status_code = row.STATUS_CHANGE_COST row.status_text = "new unit cost {} differs from old cost {}".format( repr(row.unit_cost), repr(row.old_unit_cost)) return row.status_code = row.STATUS_NO_CHANGE # TODO: who uses this..?
[docs] def cost_differs(self, row, cost): """ Compare a batch row with a cost record to determine whether they match or differ. """ if row.vendor_code is not None and row.vendor_code != cost.code: return "new vendor code {} differs from old code {}".format( repr(row.vendor_code), repr(cost.code)) if row.case_cost is not None and row.case_cost != cost.case_cost: return "new case cost {} differs from old cost {}".format( row.case_cost, cost.case_cost) if row.unit_cost is not None and row.unit_cost != cost.unit_cost: return "new unit cost {} differs from old cost {}".format( row.unit_cost, cost.unit_cost)