Source code for rattail.config

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Application Configuration

import importlib
import os
import re
import sys
import datetime
import configparser
import warnings
import logging
import logging.config

from wuttjamaican.conf import (WuttaConfig, WuttaConfigExtension,
                               make_config as wutta_make_config,
from wuttjamaican.util import (parse_bool as wutta_parse_bool,
                               parse_list as wutta_parse_list)

from rattail.util import load_entry_points, load_object
from rattail.exceptions import WindowsExtensionsNotInstalled, ConfigurationError
from rattail.files import temp_path

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def parse_bool(value): """ Compatibility wrapper for :func:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.util.parse_bool()`. This function will eventually be deprecated; new code should use the upstream function instead. """ return wutta_parse_bool(value)
[docs] def parse_list(value): """ Compatibility wrapper for :func:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.util.parse_list()`. This function will eventually be deprecated; new code should use the upstream function instead. """ return wutta_parse_list(value)
[docs] class RattailConfigWrapper: """ Simple wrapper which serves as the main app config object. This will eventually go away in favor of using the config object directly. It was needed for migration to the new config class. But for now, :func:`make_config()` actually returns an instance of this wrapper class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # discard this kwarg if present # TODO: why are we doing this again? appname = kwargs.pop('appname', None) # always use newer style config self.__dict__['config'] = RattailConfig(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.config, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): setattr(self.config, name, value) def __repr__(self): return "RattailConfigWrapper()"
[docs] class RattailConfig(WuttaConfig): """ Configuration for Rattail apps. A single instance of this class is created on app startup, by way of calling :func:`rattail.config.make_config()`. This class is based on :class:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig` but adds many methods specific to Rattail. Some of the customizations supplied by this class are described below. .. attribute:: versioning_has_been_enabled Flag indicating whether SQLAlchemy-Continuum versioning has been enabled for the running app. This gets set when :func:`~rattail.db.config.configure_versioning()` happens. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('appname', 'rattail') defaults = kwargs.setdefault('defaults', {}) defaults.setdefault('', '') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # this is false, unless/until it becomes true self.versioning_has_been_enabled = False @property def prioritized_files(self): """ Backward-compatible property which just calls :meth:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get_prioritized_files()`. New code should use ``get_prioritized_files()`` instead of this property. """ return self.get_prioritized_files()
[docs] def setdefault(self, *args): """ We override this method to support different calling signatures. :meth:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.setdefault()` normally expects just ``(key, value)`` args, but we also (for now) support the older style of ``(section, option, value)`` - *eventually* that will go away but probably not in the near future. """ # figure out what sort of args were passed if len(args) == 2: key, value = args elif len(args) == 3: section, option, value = args key = f'{section}.{option}' else: raise ValueError("must pass either 2 args (key, value), " "or 3 args (section, option, value)") # then do normal logic super().setdefault(key, value)
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """ We override this method to support different calling signatures. :meth:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get()` normally expects just ``(key, ...)`` args, but we also (for now) support the older style of ``(section, option, ...)`` - *eventually* that will go away but probably not in the near future. """ # figure out what sort of args were passed if len(args) == 1: key = args[0] elif len(args) == 2: section, option = args key = f'{section}.{option}' else: raise ValueError("must pass either 1 arg (key), " "or 2 args (section, option)") # then do normal logic return super().get(key, **kwargs)
[docs] def getbool(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Backward-compatible alias for :meth:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get_bool()`. New code should use ``get_bool()`` instead of this method. """ # TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.getbool() method is deprecated; " # "please use config.get_bool() instead", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_bool(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getint(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Backward-compatible alias for :meth:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get_int()`. New code should use ``get_int()`` instead of this method. """ # TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.getint() method is deprecated; " # "please use config.get_int() instead", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_int(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def getlist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Backward-compatible alias for :meth:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfig.get_list()`. New code should use ``get_list()`` instead of this method. """ # TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.getlist() method is deprecated; " # "please use config.get_list() instead", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_list(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_bool(self, value): """ Convenience method around the :func:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.util.parse_bool()` function. Usage of this method is discouraged, at least until some more dust settles. This probably belongs on the app handler instead so it can be overridden more easily. """ # TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.parse_bool() method is deprecated; " # "please use app.parse_bool() instead", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return wutta_parse_bool(value)
[docs] def parse_list(self, value): """ Convenience method around the :func:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.util.parse_list()` function. Usage of this method is discouraged, at least until some more dust settles. This probably belongs on the app handler instead so it can be overridden more easily. """ # TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.parse_list() method is deprecated; " # "please use app.parse_list() instead", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return wutta_parse_list(value)
[docs] def make_list_string(self, values): """ Coerce the given list of values to a string, for config storage. If this string is later parsed via :meth:`parse_list()` then it should return the same list of values. For example:: string = config.make_list_string(['foo', 'bar']) assert string == 'foo, bar' values = config.parse_list(string) assert values == ['foo', 'bar'] """ final = [] for value in values: if ' ' in value: quote = '"' if "'" in value else "'" value = f"{quote}{value}{quote}" final.append(value) return ', '.join(final)
[docs] def beaker_invalidate_setting(self, name): """ Backward-compatible method for unused Beaker caching logic. This method has no effect and should not be used. """
# TODO: eventually # warnings.warn("config.beaker_invalidate_setting() method is deprecated", # DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def node_type(self, default=None): """ Returns the "type" of current node. What this means will generally depend on the app logic. """ try: return self.require('rattail', 'node_type', usedb=False) except ConfigurationError: if default: return default raise
[docs] def production(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether the app is running in production mode """ return self.getbool('rattail', 'production', default=False)
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Returns a reference to configured 'model' module; defaults to :mod:`rattail.db.model`. """ spec = self.get('rattail', 'model', usedb=False, default='rattail.db.model') return importlib.import_module(spec)
[docs] def get_enum(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a reference to configured "enum" module; defaults to :mod:`rattail.enum`. """ kwargs.setdefault('usedb', False) spec = self.get('rattail', 'enum', default='rattail.enum', **kwargs) return importlib.import_module(spec)
[docs] def get_trainwreck_model(self): """ Returns a reference to the configured data 'model' module for Trainwreck. Note that there is *not* a default value for this; it must be configured. """ spec = self.require('rattail.trainwreck', 'model', usedb=False) return importlib.import_module(spec)
[docs] def versioning_enabled(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether data versioning is enabled. """ return self.getbool('rattail.db', 'versioning.enabled', usedb=False, default=False)
[docs] def getdate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Retrieve a date value from config. """ value = self.get(*args, **kwargs) app = self.get_app() return app.parse_date(value)
[docs] def product_key(self, **kwargs): """ Deprecated; instead please see :meth:``. """ warnings.warn("config.product_key() is deprecated; please " "use app.get_product_key_field() instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_app().get_product_key_field()
[docs] def product_key_title(self, key=None): """ Deprecated; instead please see :meth:``. """ warnings.warn("config.product_key_title() is deprecated; please " "use app.get_product_key_label() instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_app().get_product_key_label(field=key)
[docs] def app_package(self, default=None): """ Returns the name of Python package for the top-level app. """ if not default: return self.require('rattail', 'app_package') return self.get('rattail', 'app_package', default=default)
[docs] def app_title(self, **kwargs): """ DEPRECATED """ # TODO: should put a deprecation warning here, but it could # make things noisy for a while and i'm not ready for that app = self.get_app() return app.get_title(**kwargs)
[docs] def node_title(self, **kwargs): """ DEPRECATED """ # TODO: should put a deprecation warning here, but it could # make things noisy for a while and i'm not ready for that app = self.get_app() return app.get_node_title(**kwargs)
[docs] def running_from_source(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether the app is running from source, as opposed to official release. """ return self.getbool('rattail', 'running_from_source', default=False)
[docs] def demo(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether the app is running in demo mode """ return self.getbool('rattail', 'demo', default=False)
[docs] def appdir(self, require=True, **kwargs): """ Returns path to the 'app' dir, if known. """ if require: path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'app') kwargs.setdefault('default', path) kwargs.setdefault('usedb', False) return self.get('rattail', 'appdir', **kwargs)
[docs] def datadir(self, require=True): """ Returns path to the 'data' dir, if known. """ get = self.require if require else self.get return get('rattail', 'datadir')
[docs] def workdir(self, require=True): """ Returns path to the 'work' dir, if known. """ get = self.require if require else self.get return get('rattail', 'workdir')
[docs] def batch_filedir(self, key=None): """ Returns path to root folder where batches (optionally of type 'key') are stored. """ path = os.path.abspath(self.require('rattail', 'batch.files')) if key: return os.path.join(path, key) return path
[docs] def batch_filepath(self, key, uuid, filename=None, makedirs=False): """ Returns absolute path to a batch's data folder, with optional filename appended. If ``makedirs`` is set, the batch data folder will be created if it does not already exist. """ rootdir = self.batch_filedir(key) filedir = os.path.join(rootdir, uuid[:2], uuid[2:]) if makedirs and not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) if filename: return os.path.join(filedir, filename) return filedir
[docs] def export_filedir(self, key=None): """ Returns path to root folder where exports (optionally of type 'key') are stored. """ path = self.get('rattail', 'export.files') if not path: path = os.path.join(self.appdir(), 'data', 'exports') path = os.path.abspath(path) if key: return os.path.join(path, key) return path
[docs] def export_filepath(self, key, uuid, filename=None, makedirs=False): """ Returns absolute path to export data file, generated from the given args. """ rootdir = self.export_filedir(key) filedir = os.path.join(rootdir, uuid[:2], uuid[2:]) if makedirs and not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) if filename: return os.path.join(filedir, filename) return filedir
[docs] def upgrade_filedir(self): """ Returns path to root folder where upgrade files are stored. """ path = os.path.abspath(self.require('rattail.upgrades', 'files')) return path
[docs] def upgrade_filepath(self, uuid, filename=None, makedirs=False): """ Returns absolute path to upgrade data file, generated from the given args. """ rootdir = self.upgrade_filedir() filedir = os.path.join(rootdir, uuid[:2], uuid[2:]) if makedirs and not os.path.exists(filedir): os.makedirs(filedir) if filename: return os.path.join(filedir, filename) return filedir
[docs] def upgrade_command(self, default='/bin/sleep 30'): """ Returns command to be used when performing upgrades. """ # TODO: what were those reasons then..? # NOTE: we don't allow command to be specified in DB, for # security reasons.. return self.getlist('rattail.upgrades', 'command', usedb=False, default=default)
[docs] def base_url(self): """ Returns the configured "base" (root) URL for the web app. """ # first try "generic" config option url = self.get('rattail', 'base_url') # or use tailbone as fallback, since it's most likely if url is None: url = self.get('tailbone', 'url.base') if not url: url = self.get('tailbone', 'url', ignore_ambiguous=True) if url: warnings.warn(f"URGENT: instead of 'tailbone.url', " f"you should set 'tailbone.url.base'", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if url is not None: return url.rstrip('/')
[docs] def datasync_url(self, **kwargs): """ Returns configured URL for managing datasync daemon. """ return self.get('rattail.datasync', 'url', **kwargs)
[docs] def single_store(self): """ Returns boolean indicating whether the system is configured to behave as if it belongs to a single Store. """ return self.getbool('rattail', 'single_store', default=False)
[docs] def get_store(self, session): """ Returns a :class:`rattail.db.model.Store` instance corresponding to app config, or ``None``. """ store = self.get('rattail', 'store') if store: app = self.get_app() org_handler = app.get_org_handler() return org_handler.get_store(session, store)
[docs] class ConfigExtension(WuttaConfigExtension): """ Base class for all config extensions. This is just a compatibility wrapper around :class:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.WuttaConfigExtension`; new code should probably use that directly. """
[docs] def rattail_default_files(appname): """ This is used in place of upstream :func:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.generic_default_files()` to customize the default files when none are specified at startup. Rattail has traditionally used e.g. ``/path/to/venv/app/quiet.conf`` as its "preferred default file" when running ad-hoc commands. So this function will look for that file and return it if found; otherwise it just calls the upstream function. """ # try to guess a default config path # TODO: for now, prefer app/quiet.conf if present, but # probably we should look for adhoc.conf instead, since # the point of this magic is to make running ad-hoc # commands easier.. quiet = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'app', 'quiet.conf') if os.path.exists(quiet): # this config is definitely app-specific return [quiet] return generic_default_files(appname)
[docs] def make_config( files=None, plus_files=None, versioning=None, **kwargs): """ Make a new config object (presumably for global use), initialized per the given parameters and (usually) further modified by all registered config extensions. This is a wrapper around upstream :func:`wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.conf.make_config()`; see those docs for most of the param descriptions. Rattail customizes the logic as follows: .. note:: This function always returns a :class:`RattailConfigWrapper` instance, which "wraps" the underlying config object. But that will likely change soon, so this function would return the config object directly and skip the wrapper. :param versioning: Controls whether or not the versioning system is configured with the new config object. If ``True``, versioning will be configured. If ``False`` then it will not be configured. If ``None`` (the default) then versioning will be configured only if the config values say that it should be. :returns: An instance of :class:`RattailConfigWrapper` which wraps an instance of :class:`RattailConfig`. """ # turn on display of rattail deprecation warnings by default # TODO: this should be configurable, and possibly live elsewhere? warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning, module=r'^rattail') warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning, module=r'^tailbone') warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=DeprecationWarning, module=r'^wutt') # prep kwargs kwargs.setdefault('appname', 'rattail') kwargs.setdefault('default_files', rattail_default_files) kwargs.setdefault('factory', RattailConfigWrapper) # remove deprecated args kwargs.pop('use_wuttaconfig', None) # make config object config = wutta_make_config(files=files, plus_files=plus_files, **kwargs) log.debug("using config object of type: %s", type(config.config)) log.debug("config files were: %s", config.files_read) if config.getbool('rattail', 'suppress_psycopg2_wheel_warning', usedb=False): # TODO: revisit this, does it require action from us? # suppress this warning about psycopg2 wheel; not sure what it means yet # exactly but it's causing frequent noise for us... warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', r'^The psycopg2 wheel package will be renamed from release 2\.8; in order to keep ' r'installing from binary please use "pip install psycopg2-binary" instead\. For details ' r'see: <>\.', UserWarning, r'^psycopg2$', ) # maybe configure versioning if versioning is None: versioning = config.versioning_enabled() if versioning: from rattail.db.config import configure_versioning configure_versioning(config) # maybe set "future" behavior for SQLAlchemy if config.getbool('rattail.db', 'sqlalchemy_future_mode', usedb=False): from rattail.db import Session if Session: Session.configure(future=True) return config
[docs] def get_user_dir(create=False): """ Returns a path to the "preferred" user-level folder, in which additional config files (etc.) may be placed as needed. This essentially returns a platform-specific variation of ``~/.rattail/``. If ``create`` is ``True``, then the folder will be created if it does not already exist. """ if sys.platform == 'win32': # Use the Windows Extensions libraries to fetch official defaults. try: from import shell, shellcon except ImportError: raise WindowsExtensionsNotInstalled else: path = os.path.join(shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 0, shellcon.CSIDL_APPDATA), 'rattail') else: path = os.path.expanduser('~/.rattail') if create and not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) return path
[docs] def get_user_file(filename, createdir=False): """ Returns a full path to a user-level config file location. This is obtained by first calling :func:`get_user_dir()` and then joining the result with ``filename``. The ``createdir`` argument will be passed to :func:`get_user_dir()` as its ``create`` arg, and may be used to ensure the user-level folder exists. """ return os.path.join(get_user_dir(create=createdir), filename)
[docs] class ConfigProfile(object): """ Generic class to represent a config "profile", as used by the filemon and datasync daemons, etc. .. todo:: This clearly needs more documentation. .. attribute:: config Reference to the primary Rattail config object for the running app. .. attribute:: key String identifier unique to this profile, within the broader config section. """ def __init__(self, config, key, **kwargs): self.config = config = self.config.get_app() self.model = self.config.get_model() self.enum = self.config.get_enum() self.key = key self.prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', key) self.load()
[docs] def load(self): """ Read all relevant settings etc. from the config object, setting attributes on this profile instance as needed. """
[docs] def load_defaults(self): """ Read all "default" (common) settings from config, for the current profile. """ self.workdir = self._config_string('workdir') self.stop_on_error = self._config_boolean('stop_on_error', False)
[docs] def load_actions(self): """ Read the "actions" from config, for the current profile, and assign the result to ``self.actions``. """ self.actions = [] for action in self._config_list('actions'): self.actions.append(self._config_action(action))
@property def section(self): """ Each subclass of ``ConfigProfile`` must define this. """ raise NotImplementedError def _config_string(self, option, **kwargs): return self.config.get(self.section, '{}.{}'.format(self.prefix, option), **kwargs) def _config_boolean(self, option, default=None): return self.config.getbool(self.section, '{}.{}'.format(self.prefix, option), default=default) def _config_int(self, option, minimum=1, default=None): """ Retrieve the *integer* value for the given option. """ option = '{}.{}'.format(self.prefix, option) # try to read value from config value = self.config.getint(self.section, option) if value is not None: # found a value; validate it if value < minimum: log.warning("config value %s is too small; falling back to minimum " "of %s for option: %s", value, minimum, option) value = minimum # or, use default value, if valid elif default is not None and default >= minimum: value = default # or, just use minimum value else: value = minimum return value def _config_list(self, option, default=None, **kwargs): value = self._config_string(option, **kwargs) if value: return self.config.parse_list(value) if isinstance(default, list): return default return [] def _config_action(self, name): """ Retrieve an "action" value from config, for the current profile. This returns a :class:`ConfigProfileAction` instance. """ from rattail.monitoring import CommandAction function = self._config_string('action.{}.func'.format(name)) class_ = self._config_string('action.{}.class'.format(name)) cmd = self._config_string('action.{}.cmd'.format(name)) specs = [1 if spec else 0 for spec in (function, class_, cmd)] if sum(specs) != 1: raise ConfigurationError( "Monitor profile '{}' (action '{}') must have exactly one of: " "function, class, command".format(self.prefix, name)) action = ConfigProfileAction() action.config = self.config if function: action.spec = function action.action = load_object(action.spec) elif class_: action.spec = class_ action.action = load_object(action.spec)(self.config) elif cmd: action.spec = cmd action.action = CommandAction(self.config, cmd) action.args = self._config_list('action.{}.args'.format(name)) action.kwargs = {} pattern = re.compile(r'^{}\.action\.{}\.kwarg\.(?P<keyword>\w+)$'.format(self.prefix, name), re.IGNORECASE) settings = self.config.get_dict(self.section) for key in settings: match = pattern.match(key) if match: action.kwargs['keyword')] = settings[key] action.retry_attempts = self._config_int('action.{}.retry_attempts'.format(name), minimum=1) action.retry_delay = self._config_int('action.{}.retry_delay'.format(name), minimum=0) return action
[docs] class ConfigProfileAction(object): """ Simple class to hold configuration for a particular "action" defined within a monitor :class:`ConfigProfile`. Each instance has the following attributes: .. attribute:: spec The original "spec" string used to obtain the action callable. .. attribute:: action A reference to the action callable. .. attribute:: args A sequence of positional arguments to be passed to the callable (in addition to the file path) when invoking the action. .. attribute:: kwargs A dictionary of keyword arguments to be passed to the callable (in addition to the positional arguments) when invoking the action. .. attribute:: retry_attempts Number of attempts to make when invoking the action. Defaults to ``1``, meaning the first attempt will be made but no retries will happen. .. attribute:: retry_delay Number of seconds to pause between retry attempts, if :attr:`retry_attempts` is greater than one. Defaults to ``0``. """ spec = None action = None args = [] kwargs = {} retry_attempts = 1 retry_delay = 0
[docs] class FreeTDSLoggingFilter(logging.Filter): """ Custom logging filter, to suppress certain "write to server failed" messages relating to FreeTDS database connections. They seem harmless and just cause unwanted error emails. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): logging.Filter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.pattern = re.compile(r'(?:Read from|Write to) the server failed')
[docs] def filter(self, record): if ( == 'sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool' and record.funcName == '_finalize_fairy' and record.levelno == logging.ERROR and record.msg == "Exception during reset or similar" and record.exc_info and[1]))): # Log this as a warning instead of error, to cut down on our noise. record.levelno = logging.WARNING record.levelname = 'WARNING' return True