Source code for rattail.datasync.rattail

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
DataSync for Rattail

import logging

from sqlalchemy import orm

from rattail.db.util import make_topo_sortkey
from rattail.datasync import DataSyncWatcher, DataSyncConsumer, DataSyncImportConsumer
from rattail.config import parse_list

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RattailWatcher(DataSyncWatcher): """ DataSync watcher for Rattail databases. """ prunes_changes = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RattailWatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.engine = self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey] self.topo_sortkey = make_topo_sortkey(self.config.get_model())
[docs] def get_changes(self, lastrun): """ Checks the :class:`~rattail.db.model.core.Change` table in a Rattail database, to see if there are any pending changes for the datasync daemon. """ model = self.model session = changes = session.query(model.Change).all() session.expunge_all() # nb. fetch config flag while we have session open deleted_first = self.config.getbool( 'rattail.datasync', 'rattail_watcher_deleted_first', session=session, default=False) session.close() if not changes: return # here we sort our payload types (class names) topologically, to take # foreign key dependencies into account etc. but we start with a # simple lexical sort on class name, just for kicks maybe..? class_names = sorted(set([c.class_name for c in changes])) class_names.sort(key=self.topo_sortkey) # collect datasync changes for new/dirty and deleted dirty = self.get_new_dirty(changes, class_names) deleted = self.get_deleted(changes, class_names) # we traditionally have processed new/dirty first, then # deleted. but config can reverse that, to test new logic # which is meant to help with one particular scenario: when a # record with "unique code" is effectively moved; the new # record can't be created until the old is deleted # TODO: once "deleted first" has been tested, should make it # the default, unless there is some reason not to... # TODO: original logic comments said: note that we must first # add new/dirty changes only, then we add deleted at the end. # so that deletes are processed last, by the consumer(s), to # hopefully avoid dependency issues if deleted_first: final = deleted + dirty else: final = dirty + deleted # when a Product has a price relationship change (e.g. it is # given or loses the "current price"), the Product record is # the only thing technically updated, but the simple Rattail # -> Rattail sync will use an importer which *skips* those # price relation fields. so here we explicitly add changes to # the queue, which can force processing of the price relation # changes. and we definitely want these to happen *last*. if 'Product' in class_names: for change in [c for c in changes if c.class_name == 'Product' and not c.deleted]: final.append((None, # no uuid since this need not be pruned model.DataSyncChange( payload_type='ProductPriceAssociation', payload_key=change.instance_uuid))) return final
def get_new_dirty(self, changes, class_names): model = self.model result = [] for class_name in class_names: for change in [c for c in changes if c.class_name == class_name and not c.deleted]: result.append((change.uuid, model.DataSyncChange( payload_type=class_name, payload_key=change.instance_uuid, deletion=change.deleted))) return result def get_deleted(self, changes, class_names): model = self.model result = [] for class_name in class_names: for change in [c for c in changes if c.class_name == class_name and c.deleted]: result.append((change.uuid, model.DataSyncChange( payload_type=class_name, payload_key=change.instance_uuid, deletion=change.deleted))) return result
[docs] def prune_changes(self, keys): model = self.model deleted = 0 try: session = except: log.exception("failed to make session for pruning changes") raise try: for key in keys: if key: # note that key can sometimes be None change = session.get(model.Change, key) if change: session.delete(change) session.flush() deleted += 1 except: log.exception("failed to prune changes") session.rollback() raise else: session.commit() finally: session.close() return deleted
# TODO: this is awful and needs to go away!
[docs] class RattailConsumer(DataSyncConsumer): """ DataSync consumer for Rattail databases. """ # Set this to a sequence of model names if you wish to *consume* data # *only* for those models (and ignore all others). consume_models = None # Set this to a sequence of model names if you wish to *ignore* data *only* # for those models (and consume all others). ignore_models = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RattailConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.engine = self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey] self.model = self.get_data_model() self.topo_sortkey = make_topo_sortkey(self.model) # TODO: deprecate / remove this
[docs] def get_data_model(self): """ Subclasses may override this if they have extended the schema. Defaults to ``rattail.db.model``. """ return self.config.get_model()
[docs] def process_changes(self, host_session, changes): """ Process changes for a Rattail database. """ # First determine which models are represented in the change set. Some # models may be ignored, depending on the subclass logic etc. class_names = set([c.payload_type for c in changes]) if self.consume_models is not None: class_names = [c for c in class_names if c in self.consume_models] elif self.ignore_models is not None: class_names = [c for c in class_names if c not in self.ignore_models] # The order will matter because of table foreign key dependencies. We # start with a lexical sort just for kicks maybe... class_names = sorted(class_names) class_names.sort(key=self.topo_sortkey) session = if self.runas_username: session.set_continuum_user(self.runas_username) for class_name in class_names: # this consumer does not need to process these changes; see # FromRattailToRattailBase for one which can process them if class_name == 'ProductPriceAssociation': continue cls = getattr(self.model, class_name) for change in [c for c in changes if c.payload_type == class_name]: log.debug("processing {0} for {1} {2}".format( "deletion" if change.deletion else "change", change.payload_type, change.payload_key)) if change.deletion: instance = session.get(cls, change.payload_key) if instance: self.delete_instance(session, instance) session.flush() else: log.warning("could not find instance to delete") else: # add/update host_instance = host_session.get(cls, change.payload_key) if host_instance: # if processing a pack item, must process its unit item # first. this is because both may be "new" in which # case the unit item must exist before the pack may # reference it. if class_name == 'Product' and host_instance.is_pack_item(): self.merge_instance(session, host_instance.unit) self.merge_instance(session, host_instance) session.flush() else: log.warning("could not find host instance to merge") session.commit() session.close()
[docs] def merge_instance(self, session, instance): """ Merge the given model instance into the given database session. Subclasses may define model-specific methods instead of or in addition to overriding this generic one. """ class_name = instance.__class__.__name__.lower() merger = getattr(self, 'merge_{0}'.format(class_name), None) if merger: return merger(session, instance) # Nothing special defined, so just do the normal thing. return session.merge(instance)
[docs] def delete_instance(self, session, instance): """ Delete the given model instance from the given database session. Subclasses may define model-specific methods instead of or in addition to overriding this generic one. """ class_name = instance.__class__.__name__.lower() deleter = getattr(self, 'delete_{0}'.format(class_name), None) if deleter: return deleter(session, instance) predeleter = getattr(self, 'predelete_{0}'.format(class_name), None) if predeleter: predeleter(session, instance) session.delete(instance)
[docs] def merge_product(self, session, source_product): """ This method is somewhat of a hack, in order to properly handle :class:`rattail.db.model.Product` instances and the interdependent nature of the related :class:`rattail.db.model.ProductPrice` instances. """ target_product = session.merge(source_product) # I'm not 100% sure I understand this correctly, but here's my # thinking: First we clear the price relationships in case they've # actually gone away; then we re-establish any which are currently # valid. # Setting the price relationship attributes to ``None`` isn't enough to # force the ORM to notice a change, since the UUID field is ultimately # what it's watching. So we must explicitly use that field here. target_product.regular_price_uuid = None target_product.tpr_price_uuid = None target_product.sale_price_uuid = None target_product.current_price_uuid = None target_product.suggested_price_uuid = None # If the source instance has currently valid price relationships, then # we re-establish them. We must merge the source price instance in # order to be certain it will exist in the target session, and avoid # foreign key errors. However we *still* must also set the UUID fields # because again, the ORM is watching those... This was noticed to be # the source of some bugs where successive database syncs were # effectively "toggling" the price relationship. Setting the UUID # field explicitly seems to solve it. if source_product.regular_price_uuid: target_product.regular_price = session.merge(source_product.regular_price) target_product.regular_price_uuid = target_product.regular_price.uuid if source_product.tpr_price_uuid: target_product.tpr_price = session.merge(source_product.tpr_price) target_product.tpr_price_uuid = target_product.tpr_price.uuid if source_product.sale_price_uuid: target_product.sale_price = session.merge(source_product.sale_price) target_product.sale_price_uuid = target_product.sale_price.uuid if source_product.current_price_uuid: target_product.current_price = session.merge(source_product.current_price) target_product.current_price_uuid = target_product.current_price.uuid if source_product.suggested_price_uuid: target_product.suggested_price = session.merge(source_product.suggested_price) target_product.suggested_price_uuid = target_product.suggested_price.uuid return target_product
def predelete_department(self, session, department): # Disconnect from all subdepartments. q = session.query(model.Subdepartment).filter( model.Subdepartment.department == department) for subdept in q: subdept.department = None # Disconnect from all products. q = session.query(model.Product).filter( model.Product.department == department) for product in q: product.department = None def predelete_subdepartment(self, session, subdepartment): # Disconnect from all products. q = session.query(model.Product).filter( model.Product.subdepartment == subdepartment) for product in q: product.subdepartment = None def predelete_family(self, session, family): # Disconnect from all products. q = session.query(model.Product).filter( == family) for product in q: = None def predelete_vendor(self, session, vendor): # Remove all product costs. q = session.query(model.ProductCost).filter( model.ProductCost.vendor == vendor) for cost in q: session.delete(cost) def predelete_customergroup(self, session, group): # Disconnect from all customers. q = session.query(model.CustomerGroupAssignment).filter( == group) for assignment in q: session.delete(assignment)
[docs] class FromRattailToRattailBase(DataSyncImportConsumer): """ Base class for Rattail -> Rattail datasync consumers """
[docs] def setup(self): super(FromRattailToRattailBase, self).setup() self.topo_sortkey = make_topo_sortkey(self.model) self.handle_price_xref = self.get_handle_price_xref()
def get_handle_price_xref(self): if hasattr(self, 'handle_price_xref'): return self.handle_price_xref # TODO: this should default to True, once logic is proven return self.config.getbool( 'rattail.datasync', 'rattail.handle_price_xref', default=False)
[docs] def get_importers(self): importers = super(FromRattailToRattailBase, self).get_importers() # add the GlobalRole importer, in place of Role, unless latter # is already present. if 'Role' not in importers: importers['Role'] = self.handler.get_importer('GlobalRole') # maybe add importer to handle product price reference changes if self.get_handle_price_xref() and 'ProductPriceAssociation' not in importers: importers['ProductPriceAssociation'] = self.handler.get_importer('ProductPriceAssociation') return importers
[docs] def get_host_object(self, session, change): if change.payload_type == 'ProductPriceAssociation': cls = self.model.Product else: cls = getattr(self.model, change.payload_type) return session.get(cls, change.payload_key)
[docs] class FromRattailToRattailExportConsumer(FromRattailToRattailBase): """ Export data changes from "local" Rattail to another """ handler_spec = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FromRattailToRattailExportConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.target_engine = self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey] self.model = self.config.get_model() def make_target_session(self): return
[docs] def begin_transaction(self): self.local_session = self.target_session = self.make_target_session()
[docs] def rollback_transaction(self): self.target_session.rollback() self.target_session.close() self.local_session.rollback() self.local_session.close()
[docs] def commit_transaction(self): self.local_session.commit() self.local_session.close() self.target_session.commit() self.target_session.close()
[docs] def pre_process_changes(self, session, changes): if self.runas_username: self.target_session.set_continuum_user(self.runas_username) # update all importers with current sessions for importer in self.importers.values(): importer.host_session = self.local_session importer.session = self.target_session
[docs] class FromRattailToRattailImportConsumer(FromRattailToRattailBase): """ Import data changes from another Rattail to "local" """ handler_spec = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FromRattailToRattailImportConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.host_engine = self.config.rattail_engines[self.watcher.dbkey] self.local_engine = self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey] self.model = self.config.get_model()
[docs] def process_changes(self, session, changes): self.host_session = local_session = if self.runas_username: local_session.set_continuum_user(self.runas_username) # update all importers with current sessions for importer in self.importers.values(): importer.host_session = self.host_session importer.session = local_session # topographically sort changes, i.e. per schema table dependencies. # we start with a lexical sort just for kicks maybe... class_names = set([c.payload_type for c in changes]) class_names = sorted(class_names) class_names.sort(key=self.topo_sortkey) for class_name in class_names: cls = getattr(self.model, class_name) for change in [c for c in changes if c.payload_type == class_name]: self.invoke_importer(session, change) local_session.commit() local_session.close() # TODO: should we ever commit this..? # self.host_session.commit() self.host_session.close()
[docs] def get_host_object(self, session, change): # we use base logic to get the object, but must substitute the # session to ensure we read from actual host and not local return super(FromRattailToRattailImportConsumer, self).get_host_object( self.host_session, change)