Source code for rattail.db.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Authentication & Authorization

from passlib.context import CryptContext
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from rattail.db import model

password_context = CryptContext(schemes=['bcrypt'])

[docs] def authenticate_user(session, userobj, password): """ Attempt to authenticate a user. :param userobj: May be a :class:`model.User` instance, or a username as string. If the latter, it will be used to look up the User instance. :returns: The User instance, if found and the password was correct; otherwise ``None``. """ if isinstance(userobj, model.User): user = userobj else: try: user = session.query(model.User)\ .filter_by(username=userobj)\ .one() except NoResultFound: user = None if user and and user.password is not None: if password_context.verify(password, user.password): return user
[docs] def set_user_password(user, password): """ Set a user's password. """ user.password = password_context.hash(password)
def special_role(session, uuid, name): """ Fetches, or creates, a "special" role. """ role = session.get(model.Role, uuid) if not role: role = model.Role(uuid=uuid, name=name) session.add(role) return role
[docs] def administrator_role(session): """ Returns the "Administrator" role. """ return special_role(session, 'd937fa8a965611dfa0dd001143047286', 'Administrator')
[docs] def guest_role(session): """ Returns the "Guest" role. """ return special_role(session, 'f8a27c98965a11dfaff7001143047286', 'Guest')
[docs] def authenticated_role(session): """ Returns the "Authenticated" role. """ return special_role(session, 'b765a9cc331a11e6ac2a3ca9f40bc550', "Authenticated")
[docs] def grant_permission(role, permission): """ Grant a permission to a role. """ # TODO: Make this a `Role` method (or make `Role.permissions` a `set` so we # can do `role.permissions.add('some.perm')` ?). if permission not in role.permissions: role.permissions.append(permission)
[docs] def revoke_permission(role, permission): """ Revoke the given permission for the given role. This first checks to see if the role currently has the permission; if not then no change is made. """ if permission in role.permissions: role.permissions.remove(permission)
[docs] def has_permission(session, principal, permission, include_guest=True, include_authenticated=True): """ Determine if a principal has been granted a permission. :param session: A SQLAlchemy session instance. :param principal: May be either a :class:`.model.User` or :class:`.model.Role` instance. It is also expected that this may sometimes be ``None``, in which case the "Guest" role will typically be assumed. :param permission: The full internal name of a permission, e.g. ``'users.create'``. :param include_guest: Whether or not the "Guest" role should be included when checking permissions. If ``False``, then Guest's permissions will *not* be consulted. :param include_authenticated: Whether or not the "Authenticated" role should be included when checking permissions. Note that if no ``principal`` is provided, and ``include_guest`` is set to ``False``, then no checks will actually be done, and the return value will be ``False``. """ if hasattr(principal, 'roles'): roles = list(principal.roles) if include_authenticated: roles.append(authenticated_role(session)) elif principal is not None: roles = [principal] else: roles = [] if include_guest: roles.append(guest_role(session)) for role in roles: for perm in role.permissions: if perm == permission: return True return False
[docs] def cache_permissions(session, principal, include_guest=True, include_authenticated=True): """ Return a set of permission names, which represents all permissions effectively granted to the given principal. :param session: A SQLAlchemy session instance. :param principal: May be either a :class:`.model.User` or :class:`.model.Role` instance. It is also expected that this may sometimes be ``None``, in which case the "Guest" role will typically be assumed. :param include_guest: Whether or not the "Guest" role should be included when checking permissions. If ``False``, then Guest's permissions will *not* be consulted. :param include_authenticated: Whether or not the "Authenticated" role should be included when checking permissions. Note that if no ``principal`` is provided, and ``include_guest`` is set to ``False``, then no checks will actually be done, and the return value will be ``False``. """ # we will use any `roles` attribute which may be present. in practice we # would be assuming a User in this case if hasattr(principal, 'roles'): roles = list(principal.roles) # here our User assumption gets a little more explicit if include_authenticated: roles.append(authenticated_role(session)) # otherwise a non-null principal is assumed to be a Role elif principal is not None: roles = [principal] # fallback assumption is "no roles" else: roles = [] # maybe include guest roles if include_guest: roles.append(guest_role(session)) # build the permissions cache cache = set() for role in roles: cache.update(role.permissions) return cache