Source code for rattail.db.model.customers

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Data Models for Customers

import datetime
import warnings

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list

from rattail.db.model import (Base, uuid_column, getset_factory,
                              PhoneNumber, EmailAddress, MailingAddress,
                              Person, Note, User)
from .contact import ContactMixin

[docs] class Customer(ContactMixin, Base): """ Represents a customer account. Customer accounts may consist of more than one person, in some cases. """ __tablename__ = 'customer' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['account_holder_uuid'], ['person.uuid'], name='customer_fk_account_holder'), ) __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" String ID for the customer, if known/relevant. This may or may not correspond to the :attr:`number`, depending on your system. """) number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Customer number, if known/relevant. This may or may not correspond to the :attr:`id`, depending on your system. """) name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255)) account_holder_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) account_holder = orm.relationship( Person, doc=""" Reference to the account holder (person), if applicable. """, cascade_backrefs=False, backref=orm.backref( # TODO: `customers` would be a better backref name, but # that is already taken for CustomerPerson relationship 'customer_accounts', doc=""" List of customer records for which this person is the account holder. """, cascade_backrefs=False)) email_preference = sa.Column(sa.Integer()) wholesale = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Flag indicating whether the customer is a "wholesale" account - whatever that happens to mean for your business logic. """) active_in_pos = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Whether or not the customer account should be "active" within the POS system, if applicable. Whether/how this field is populated and/or leveraged are up to your system. """) active_in_pos_sticky = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, default=False, doc=""" Whether or not the customer account should *always* be "active" within the POS system. This field may be useful if :attr:`active_in_pos` gets set dynamically. """) invalid_address = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Flag indicating the customer's mailing address(es) on file are invalid. """) def __str__(self): return or "" def add_email_address(self, address, type='Home'): email = CustomerEmailAddress(address=address, type=type) self.emails.append(email) return email def add_phone_number(self, number, type='Home'): phone = CustomerPhoneNumber(number=number, type=type) self.phones.append(phone) return phone def add_mailing_address(self, **kwargs): addr = CustomerMailingAddress(**kwargs) self.addresses.append(addr) return addr @property def employee(self): """ DEPRECATED Return the employee associated with the customer, if any. Assumes a certain "typical" relationship path. """ warnings.warn("customer.employee is deprecated; " "please use app.get_employee(customer) instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if self.person: return self.person.employee
[docs] def first_person(self): """ DEPRECATED Convenience method to retrieve the "first" Person record which is associated with this customer, or ``None``. """ warnings.warn("customer.first_person() is deprecated; " "please use app.get_person(customer) instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if self.account_holder: return self.account_holder if self.shoppers: return self.shoppers[0].person if self.people: return self.people[0]
[docs] def only_person(self, require=True): """ DEPRECATED Convenience method to retrieve the one and only Person record which is associated with this customer. An error will be raised if there is not exactly one person associated. """ warnings.warn("customer.only_person() is deprecated; " "please use app.get_person(customer) instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) person = self.first_person() if require and not person: raise ValueError(f"customer {self.uuid} has no person") return person
[docs] def only_member(self, require=True): """ Convenience method to retrieve the one and only Member record which is associated with this customer. If ``require=True`` then an error will be raised if there is not exactly one member found. """ if len(self.members) > 1 or (require and not self.members): raise ValueError("customer {} should have 1 member but instead has {}: {}".format( self.uuid, len(self.members), self)) return self.members[0] if self.members else None
[docs] class CustomerPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber): """ Represents a phone (or fax) number associated with a :class:`Customer`. """ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Customer'}
Customer._contact_phone_model = CustomerPhoneNumber Customer.phones = orm.relationship( CustomerPhoneNumber, backref='customer', primaryjoin=CustomerPhoneNumber.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, foreign_keys=[CustomerPhoneNumber.parent_uuid], collection_class=ordering_list('preference', count_from=1), order_by=CustomerPhoneNumber.preference, cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan') = orm.relationship( CustomerPhoneNumber, primaryjoin=sa.and_( CustomerPhoneNumber.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, CustomerPhoneNumber.preference == 1), foreign_keys=[CustomerPhoneNumber.parent_uuid], uselist=False, viewonly=True)
[docs] class CustomerEmailAddress(EmailAddress): """ Represents an email address associated with a :class:`Customer`. """ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Customer'}
Customer._contact_email_model = CustomerEmailAddress Customer.emails = orm.relationship( CustomerEmailAddress, backref='customer', primaryjoin=CustomerEmailAddress.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, foreign_keys=[CustomerEmailAddress.parent_uuid], collection_class=ordering_list('preference', count_from=1), order_by=CustomerEmailAddress.preference, cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan') = orm.relationship( CustomerEmailAddress, primaryjoin=sa.and_( CustomerEmailAddress.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, CustomerEmailAddress.preference == 1), foreign_keys=[CustomerEmailAddress.parent_uuid], uselist=False, viewonly=True)
[docs] class CustomerMailingAddress(MailingAddress): """ Represents a mailing address for a customer """ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Customer'}
Customer._contact_address_model = CustomerMailingAddress Customer.addresses = orm.relationship( CustomerMailingAddress, backref='customer', primaryjoin=CustomerMailingAddress.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, foreign_keys=[CustomerMailingAddress.parent_uuid], collection_class=ordering_list('preference', count_from=1), order_by=CustomerMailingAddress.preference, cascade='all, delete-orphan') Customer.address = orm.relationship( CustomerMailingAddress, primaryjoin=sa.and_( CustomerMailingAddress.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid, CustomerMailingAddress.preference == 1), foreign_keys=[CustomerMailingAddress.parent_uuid], uselist=False, viewonly=True)
[docs] class CustomerNote(Note): """ Represents a note attached to a customer. """ __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'Customer'} customer = orm.relationship( Customer, primaryjoin='Customer.uuid == CustomerNote.parent_uuid', foreign_keys='CustomerNote.parent_uuid', doc=""" Reference to the customer to which this note is attached. """, backref=orm.backref( 'notes', primaryjoin='CustomerNote.parent_uuid == Customer.uuid', foreign_keys='CustomerNote.parent_uuid', order_by='CustomerNote.created', cascade='all, delete-orphan', cascade_backrefs=False, doc=""" Sequence of notes which belong to the customer. """))
[docs] class CustomerGroup(Base): """ Represents an arbitrary group to which customers may belong. """ __tablename__ = 'customer_group' __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20)) name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255)) def __str__(self): return or ''
[docs] class CustomerGroupAssignment(Base): """ Represents the assignment of a customer to a group. """ __tablename__ = 'customer_x_group' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['group_uuid'], ['customer_group.uuid'], name='customer_x_group_fk_group'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['customer_uuid'], ['customer.uuid'], name='customer_x_group_fk_customer'), ) __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() customer_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) group_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) ordinal = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False) group = orm.relationship( CustomerGroup, backref=orm.backref( '_customers', cascade='all, delete-orphan', cascade_backrefs=False))
Customer._groups = orm.relationship( CustomerGroupAssignment, backref='customer', collection_class=ordering_list('ordinal', count_from=1), order_by=CustomerGroupAssignment.ordinal, cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan') Customer.groups = association_proxy( '_groups', 'group', getset_factory=getset_factory, creator=lambda g: CustomerGroupAssignment(group=g))
[docs] class CustomerShopper(Base): """ Represents a "shopper" on a customer account. Most customer accounts will have at least one of these (shopper #1) who is the account holder. """ __tablename__ = 'customer_shopper' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['customer_uuid'], ['customer.uuid'], name='customer_shopper_fk_customer'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['person_uuid'], ['person.uuid'], name='customer_shopper_fk_person'), sa.UniqueConstraint('customer_uuid', 'shopper_number', name='customer_shopper_uq_shopper_number'), sa.Index('customer_shopper_ix_customer', 'customer_uuid'), sa.Index('customer_shopper_ix_person', 'person_uuid'), ) __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() customer_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) customer = orm.relationship( Customer, doc=""" Reference to the customer account to which the shopper belongs. """, cascade_backrefs=False, backref=orm.backref( 'shoppers', doc=""" List of all shoppers (past and present) for the customer. """, order_by='CustomerShopper.shopper_number', cascade_backrefs=False)) person_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) person = orm.relationship( Person, doc=""" Reference to the person who "is" this shopper. """, backref=orm.backref( 'customer_shoppers', doc=""" List of all shopper records for this person, under various customer accounts. """, cascade_backrefs=False)) shopper_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, doc=""" Sequence number (starting with 1) for this shopper record, within the context of the customer account. """) active = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Whether this shopper record is currently active for the customer. """) def __str__(self): return f"#{self.shopper_number} - {self.person}"
[docs] def get_current_history(self): """ Returns the "current" history record for the shopper, if applicable. Note that this history record is not necessarily "active" - it's just the most recent. """ if self.history: return self.history[-1]
[docs] class CustomerShopperHistory(Base): """ History records for customer shoppers. """ __tablename__ = 'customer_shopper_history' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['shopper_uuid'], ['customer_shopper.uuid'], name='customer_shopper_history_fk_shopper'), sa.Index('customer_shopper_history_ix_shopper', 'shopper_uuid'), ) __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() shopper_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) shopper = orm.relationship( CustomerShopper, doc=""" Reference to the shopper record to which this history pertains. """, cascade_backrefs=False, backref=orm.backref( 'history', order_by='(CustomerShopperHistory.start_date, CustomerShopperHistory.end_date)', cascade_backrefs=False, doc=""" Sequence of history records for the shopper. """)) start_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the shopper became active for the customer. """) end_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the shopper became inactive, if applicable. """)
[docs] class CustomerPerson(Base): """ Represents the association between a person and a customer account. """ __tablename__ = 'customer_x_person' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['customer_uuid'], ['customer.uuid'], name='customer_x_person_fk_customer'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['person_uuid'], ['person.uuid'], name='customer_x_person_fk_person'), sa.Index('customer_x_person_ix_customer', 'customer_uuid'), sa.Index('customer_x_person_ix_person', 'person_uuid'), ) __versioned__ = {} uuid = uuid_column() customer_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) person_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) ordinal = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False) customer = orm.relationship(Customer, back_populates='_people') person = orm.relationship(Person)
Customer._people = orm.relationship( CustomerPerson, back_populates='customer', primaryjoin=CustomerPerson.customer_uuid == Customer.uuid, collection_class=ordering_list('ordinal', count_from=1), order_by=CustomerPerson.ordinal, cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan') Customer.people = association_proxy( '_people', 'person', getset_factory=getset_factory, creator=lambda p: CustomerPerson(person=p)) Customer._person = orm.relationship( CustomerPerson, primaryjoin=sa.and_( CustomerPerson.customer_uuid == Customer.uuid, CustomerPerson.ordinal == 1), uselist=False, viewonly=True) Customer.person = association_proxy( '_person', 'person', getset_factory=getset_factory) Person._customers = orm.relationship( CustomerPerson, primaryjoin=CustomerPerson.person_uuid == Person.uuid, viewonly=True) Person.customers = association_proxy('_customers', 'customer', getset_factory=getset_factory, creator=lambda c: CustomerPerson(customer=c))
[docs] class PendingCustomer(Base): """ A "pending" customer record, used for new customer entry workflow. """ __tablename__ = 'pending_customer' __table_args__ = ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_uuid'], ['user.uuid'], name='pending_customer_fk_user'), ) uuid = uuid_column() user_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) user = orm.relationship( User, doc=""" Referencef to the :class:`~rattail:rattail.db.model.User` who first entered the record. """) created = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, doc=""" Timestamp when the record was first created. """) # Customer fields id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True) # Person fields first_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True) middle_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True) last_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True) display_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True) # Phone fields phone_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True) phone_type = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True) # Email fields email_address = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True) email_type = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True) # Address fields address_street = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True) address_street2 = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True) address_city = sa.Column(sa.String(length=60), nullable=True) address_state = sa.Column(sa.String(length=2), nullable=True) address_zipcode = sa.Column(sa.String(length=10), nullable=True) address_type = sa.Column(sa.String(length=15), nullable=True) # workflow fields status_code = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Status indicator for the new customer record. """) def __str__(self): return self.display_name or ""