Source code for rattail.db.model.purchase

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Data model for purchase orders

import datetime

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

from rattail.db.model import Base, uuid_column, Store, Department, Vendor, Employee, User, Product
from rattail.db.types import GPCType
from rattail.util import pretty_quantity

[docs] class PurchaseBase(object): """ Base class for purchases; defines common fields. """ @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchase_table_args__() @classmethod def __purchase_table_args__(cls): return ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['store_uuid'], ['store.uuid'], name='{}_fk_store'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['vendor_uuid'], ['vendor.uuid'], name='{}_fk_vendor'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['department_uuid'], ['department.uuid'], name='{}_fk_department'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['buyer_uuid'], ['employee.uuid'], name='{}_fk_buyer'.format(cls.__tablename__)), ) store_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) @declared_attr def store(cls): return orm.relationship( Store, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Store` for which the purchase was made. """) vendor_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) @declared_attr def vendor(cls): return orm.relationship( Vendor, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Vendor` to which the purchase was made. """) department_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) @declared_attr def department(cls): return orm.relationship( Department, doc=""" Reference to the primary :class:`Department` for which the purchase was made. """) buyer_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) @declared_attr def buyer(cls): return orm.relationship( Employee, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Employee` who placed the order with the vendor, if applicable/known. """) po_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Purchase order number, e.g. for cross-reference with another system. """) po_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Total cost according to the initial purchase order. """) date_ordered = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the purchase order was first submitted to the vendor. """) ship_method = sa.Column(sa.String(length=50), nullable=True, doc=""" Code representing the shipping method. """) notes_to_vendor = sa.Column(sa.Text(), nullable=True, doc=""" Any arbitrary notes to the vendor, regarding the purchase. """) date_shipped = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the order was shipped from the vendor. """) date_received = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the order was received at the store. """) invoice_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice number, e.g. for cross-reference with another system. """) invoice_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice date, if applicable. """) invoice_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Total cost according to the invoice. """) def __str__(self): if self.vendor and self.date_ordered: return "{} ({})".format(self.vendor, self.date_ordered.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) if self.vendor: return str(self.vendor) return ''
[docs] class PurchaseItemBase(object): """ Base class for purchase line items. """ @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchaseitem_table_args__() @classmethod def __purchaseitem_table_args__(cls): return ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='{}_fk_product'.format(cls.__tablename__)), ) sequence = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Effectively the (internal) line number for the purchase line item, using 1-based indexing. """) vendor_code = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Vendor item code for the product. """) product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) @declared_attr def product(cls): return orm.relationship( Product, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Product` which the line item contains / represents. """, backref=orm.backref( '_{}_records'.format(cls.__tablename__), cascade_backrefs=False, doc=""" List of ``{}`` records associated with the product. """.format(cls.__tablename__))) upc = sa.Column(GPCType(), nullable=True, doc=""" Product UPC for the line item. """) item_id = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Generic ID string for the item. """) brand_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Brand name for the line item. """) description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=60), nullable=False, default='', doc=""" Product description for the line item. """) size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True, doc=""" Product size for the line item. """) department_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of the department to which the product belongs. """) department_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True, doc=""" Name of the department to which the product belongs. """) case_quantity = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units in a single case of product. """) cases_ordered = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were initially ordered. """) units_ordered = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were initially ordered. """) po_line_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Line number from the PO if known, for cross-reference. """) catalog_unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" This corresponds to the ``ProductCost.unit_cost`` (aka. "catalog" or wholesale cost) amount for the product/vendor, if applicable. """) po_unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Expected cost per single unit of product, as of initial order placement. """) po_case_size = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units in a single case of product, according to PO. """) po_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=7, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Total cost for the line item, according to the initial purchase order. """) cases_shipped = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were supposedly shipped by/from the vendor. """) units_shipped = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were supposedly shipped by/from the vendor. """) cases_received = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were ultimately received. """) units_received = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were ultimately received. """) out_of_stock = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Flag indicating whether the item was known to be "out of stock" per the vendor invoice. """) invoice_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice date, if applicable. """) invoice_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice number, e.g. for cross-reference with another system. """) invoice_line_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Line number from the invoice if known, for cross-reference. """) invoice_case_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual cost per case of product, per invoice. """) invoice_unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual cost per single unit of product, per invoice. """) invoice_case_size = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units in a single case of product, according to invoice. """) invoice_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=7, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Total cost for the line item, according to the invoice. """) cases_damaged = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were shipped damaged. """) units_damaged = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were shipped damaged. """) cases_expired = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were shipped expired. """) units_expired = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were shipped expired. """) cases_mispick = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product for which mispick was shipped. """) units_mispick = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product for which mispick was shipped. """) cases_missing = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were ultimately missing. """) units_missing = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units of product which were ultimately missing. """)
[docs] class PurchaseCreditBase(object): """ Base class for purchase credits. """ @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchasecredit_table_args__() @classmethod def __purchasecredit_table_args__(cls): return ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['store_uuid'], ['store.uuid'], name='{}_fk_store'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['vendor_uuid'], ['vendor.uuid'], name='{}_fk_vendor'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='{}_fk_product'.format(cls.__tablename__)), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['mispick_product_uuid'], ['product.uuid'], name='{}_fk_mispick_product'.format(cls.__tablename__)), ) store_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) @declared_attr def store(cls): return orm.relationship( Store, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Store` for which the purchase was made. """) vendor_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) @declared_attr def vendor(cls): return orm.relationship( Vendor, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Vendor` to which the purchase was made. """) date_ordered = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the purchase order was first submitted to the vendor. """) date_shipped = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the order was shipped from the vendor. """) date_received = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Date on which the order was received at the store. """) invoice_number = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice number, e.g. for cross-reference with another system. """) invoice_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Invoice date, if applicable. """) credit_type = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=False, doc=""" Type of the credit, i.e. damaged/expired/mispick/missing """) product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) @declared_attr def product(cls): return orm.relationship( Product, primaryjoin='Product.uuid == {}.product_uuid'.format(cls.__name__), doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Product` with which the credit is associated. """) upc = sa.Column(GPCType(), nullable=True, doc=""" Product UPC for the credit item. """) vendor_item_code = sa.Column(sa.String(length=20), nullable=True, doc=""" Vendor-specific code for the credit item. """) brand_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Brand name for the credit item. """) description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=60), nullable=False, default='', doc=""" Product description for the credit item. """) size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True, doc=""" Product size for the credit item. """) department_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of the department to which the product belongs. """) department_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=30), nullable=True, doc=""" Name of the department to which the product belongs. """) case_quantity = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=8, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of units in a single case of product. """) cases_shorted = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were ordered but not received. """) units_shorted = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=4), nullable=True, doc=""" Number of cases of product which were ordered but not received. """) product_discarded = sa.Column(sa.Boolean(), nullable=True, doc=""" Indicates the associated product was discarded, and cannot be returned to vendor. """) expiration_date = sa.Column(sa.Date(), nullable=True, doc=""" Expiration date marked on expired product, if applicable. """) invoice_line_number = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Line number from the invoice if known, for cross-reference. """) invoice_case_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual cost per case of product, per invoice. """) invoice_unit_cost = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=10, scale=5), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual cost per single unit of product, per invoice. """) invoice_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=7, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual total cost for line item, per invoice. """) credit_total = sa.Column(sa.Numeric(precision=7, scale=2), nullable=True, doc=""" Actual total cost for credit, i.e. value of missing/damaged product. """) mispick_product_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) @declared_attr def mispick_product(cls): return orm.relationship( Product, primaryjoin='Product.uuid == {}.mispick_product_uuid'.format(cls.__name__), doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Product` which was shipped in place of the one which was ordered. """) mispick_upc = sa.Column(GPCType(), nullable=True, doc=""" Product UPC for the mispick item. """) mispick_brand_name = sa.Column(sa.String(length=100), nullable=True, doc=""" Brand name for the mispick item. """) mispick_description = sa.Column(sa.String(length=60), nullable=True, default='', doc=""" Product description for the mispick item. """) mispick_size = sa.Column(sa.String(length=255), nullable=True, doc=""" Product size for the mispick item. """) def __str__(self): if self.cases_shorted is not None and self.units_shorted is not None: qty = "{} cases, {} units".format( pretty_quantity(self.cases_shorted), pretty_quantity(self.units_shorted)) elif self.cases_shorted is not None: qty = "{} cases".format(pretty_quantity(self.cases_shorted)) elif self.units_shorted is not None: qty = "{} units".format(pretty_quantity(self.units_shorted)) else: qty = "??" qty += " {}".format(self.credit_type) if self.credit_type == 'expired' and self.expiration_date: qty += " ({})".format(self.expiration_date) if self.credit_type == 'mispick' and self.mispick_product: qty += " ({})".format(self.mispick_product) if self.invoice_total: return "{} = ${:0.2f}".format(qty, self.credit_total) return qty
[docs] class Purchase(PurchaseBase, Base): """ Represents a purchase made by a store. """ __tablename__ = 'purchase' @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchase_table_args__() + ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['created_by_uuid'], ['user.uuid'], name='purchase_fk_created_by'), ) uuid = uuid_column() id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), sa.Sequence('batch_id_seq'), nullable=True, doc=""" Numeric ID for the purchase. This is auto-increment from the general Batch ID sequence. """) status = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=False, doc=""" Numeric code used to signify current status for the purchase, e.g. placed or paid etc. """) created = sa.Column(sa.DateTime(), nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow, doc=""" Timestamp when the purchase was first created within this system. """) created_by_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) created_by = orm.relationship( User, primaryjoin=User.uuid == created_by_uuid, foreign_keys=[created_by_uuid], doc=""" Reference to the :class:`User` who first created the purchase within this system. """) @property def id_str(self): from rattail.batch import batch_id_str if return batch_id_str( return ""
[docs] class PurchaseItem(PurchaseItemBase, Base): """ Represents a line item on a purchase. """ __tablename__ = 'purchase_item' @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchaseitem_table_args__() + ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['purchase_uuid'], ['purchase.uuid'], name='purchase_item_fk_purchase'), ) uuid = uuid_column() purchase_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=False) purchase = orm.relationship( Purchase, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Purchase` to which the item belongs. """, backref=orm.backref( 'items', cascade='all', cascade_backrefs=False, doc=""" List of :class:`PurchaseItem` instances for the purchase. """)) status = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Numeric code used to signify current status for the line item, e.g. for highlighting rows when invoice cost differed from expected/PO cost (?) """)
[docs] class PurchaseCredit(PurchaseCreditBase, Base): """ Represents a purchase credit item. """ __tablename__ = 'purchase_credit' @declared_attr def __table_args__(cls): return cls.__purchasecredit_table_args__() + ( sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['purchase_uuid'], ['purchase.uuid'], name='purchase_credit_fk_purchase'), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['item_uuid'], ['purchase_item.uuid'], name='purchase_credit_fk_item'), ) uuid = uuid_column() purchase_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) purchase = orm.relationship( Purchase, doc=""" Reference to the :class:`Purchase` to which the credit applies. """, backref=orm.backref( 'credits', cascade_backrefs=False, doc=""" List of :class:`PurchaseCredit` instances for the purchase. """)) item_uuid = sa.Column(sa.String(length=32), nullable=True) item = orm.relationship( PurchaseItem, doc=""" Reference to the purchase item with which the credit is associated. """) status = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), nullable=True, doc=""" Numeric code used to signify current status for the credit. """)