Source code for rattail.excel

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
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Excel utilities

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import datetime

import six
import xlrd
from xlrd.xldate import xldate_as_tuple

import openpyxl
from openpyxl.styles import Font, PatternFill
from openpyxl.cell.cell import get_column_letter

from rattail.util import progress_loop

[docs] class ExcelReaderXLS(object): """ Basic class for reading Excel "legacy" (.xls) files. Uses the ``xlrd`` package to read the files. """ def __init__(self, path, sheet=0, sheet_name=None, header=0, first_data_row=None, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d', strip_fieldnames=True): """ Constructor; opens an Excel file for reading. :param header: Which row should be used as the header, i.e. to determine field (column) names. This is a zero-based index, so is 0 by default (i.e. the first row). :param first_data_row: Which is the first row to contain data. If not specified, it will be assumed that data rows begin immediately after the header row, as defined by :param:`header`. This again is zero-based, so if the very first row is the true header, but then there is another "header" row also, you might specify a value of ``2`` here, since the 3rd row is the first to contain data. """ = xlrd.open_workbook(path) if sheet_name is not None: self.sheet = else: self.sheet = self.header = header if first_data_row is not None: self.first_data_row = first_data_row else: self.first_data_row = self.header + 1 self.fields = self.sheet.row_values(self.header) if strip_fieldnames: self.fields = [field.strip() for field in self.fields] self.datefmt = datefmt def sheet_by_name(self, name): return def read_rows(self, progress=None): rows = [] def append(row, i): values = self.sheet.row_values(row) data = dict([(self.fields[j], value) for j, value in enumerate(values)]) rows.append(data) progress_loop(append, range(self.first_data_row, self.sheet.nrows), progress, message="Reading data from Excel file") return rows def parse_date(self, value, fmt=None): if isinstance(value, float): args = xldate_as_tuple(value, return datetime.datetime(*args).date() if value: return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, fmt or self.datefmt).date()
# TODO: this should become a base class and/or wrapper of some sort. for now # the "default" reader assumes XLS since apparently that is all we have ever # supported until now...which was a surprise to me... ExcelReader = ExcelReaderXLS
[docs] class ExcelReaderXLSX(object): """ Basic class for reading Excel 2010 (.xslx) files. Uses the `openpyxl`_ package to read the files. .. _openpyxl: :param path: Path to the Excel data file. :param header_row: 1-based row number which contains the header, with field names. :param strip_fieldnames: If true (the default), any whitespace surrounding the field names will be stripped, i.e. after they are read from the header row. Pass ``False`` here to suppress the behavior and leave whitespace intact. """ def __init__(self, path, header_row=1, strip_fieldnames=True, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d', **kwargs): """ Constructor; opens an Excel file for reading. :param path: Path to the Excel file. :param header_row: Which row contains the column headers. This is 1-based, so the 1 is the default (i.e. the first row). """ # nb. after much use with no problems, eventually did come # across a spreadsheet which contained formula instead of # values for certain cells. so now using ``data_only=True`` # to avoid the formula, hopefully nothing else breaks.. = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=path, data_only=True) self.sheet = self.header_row = header_row self.datefmt = datefmt self.fields = None # TODO: this seems like a hacky way to get the header fields? we are # "iterating" over the single header row, effectively... for row in self.sheet.iter_rows(min_row=self.header_row, max_row=self.header_row, values_only=True): assert self.fields is None self.fields = [field for field in row if field is not None] if strip_fieldnames: self.fields = [field.strip() for field in self.fields] def iter_rows(self): return self.sheet.iter_rows(min_row=self.header_row + 1, values_only=True) def read_rows(self, progress=None): fieldcount = len(self.fields) rows = [] def append(row, i): data = {} for j, value in enumerate(row): if j < fieldcount: data[self.fields[j]] = value rows.append(data) xlrows = list(self.iter_rows()) progress_loop(append, xlrows, progress, message="Reading data from Excel file") return rows # TODO: this is here just for method signature compatibility with # the older xlrd-based reader above. maybe should just deprecate # and/or remove it though def parse_date(self, value, fmt=None): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): if not value: return return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, fmt or self.datefmt).date() return value
[docs] class ExcelWriter(object): """ Base class for Excel writers. """ def __init__(self, path, fields, sheet_title=None, number_formats={}, highlight_rows=True): """ Constructor; opens an Excel workbook for writing. """ self.path = path self.fields = fields = openpyxl.Workbook() self.sheet = if sheet_title: sheet_title = sheet_title.replace('/', '-') self.sheet.title = sheet_title self.number_formats = number_formats self.highlight_rows = highlight_rows def load_workbook(self, path, clear_sheet=False): = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename=path) self.sheet = if clear_sheet: # remove all non-header rows from the sheet # TODO: make header row count configurable self.sheet.delete_rows(2, self.sheet.max_row)
[docs] def create_sheet(self, title): """ Create a new sheet in the workbook, and make it active. """ self.sheet = return self.sheet
def enable_grid_lines(self, sheet=None, enabled=True): if not sheet: sheet = self.sheet sheet.sheet_view.showGridLines = enabled def disable_grid_lines(self, sheet=None): self.enable_grid_lines(sheet=sheet, enabled=False) def write_header(self, labels=None, sheet=None): if not sheet: sheet = self.sheet font = Font(bold=True) for i, field in enumerate(self.fields, 1): value = field if labels and field in labels: value = labels[field] cell = sheet.cell(row=1, column=i, value=value) cell.font = font
[docs] def write_row(self, data, row=None, sheet=None): """ Write (append) a single data row to the current sheet. :param row: The 1-based row number to which data should be written. """ if row is None: raise NotImplementedError("should be able to detect 'next' row here?") if not sheet: sheet = self.sheet sheet.append(data) # apply number formats if self.number_formats: for col, field in enumerate(self.fields, 1): if field in self.number_formats: cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col) cell.number_format = self.number_formats[field] # apply row highlighting if self.highlight_rows: if row % 2 == 0: fill_even = PatternFill(patternType='solid', fgColor='d9d9d9', bgColor='d9d9d9') for col, field in enumerate(self.fields, 1): cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col) cell.fill = fill_even
[docs] def write_rows(self, rows, sheet=None, progress=None): """ Write (append) a sequence of data rows to the current sheet. """ def write(data, i): # must add 1 to account for header self.write_row(data, row=i + 1, sheet=sheet) msg = "Generating cells for sheet" if sheet: msg = "{}: {}".format(msg, sheet.title) progress_loop(write, rows, progress, message=msg)
[docs] def auto_freeze(self, row=2, column=1): """ Freeze sheet per "the usual" """ self.sheet.freeze_panes = self.sheet.cell(row=row, column=column)
[docs] def auto_filter(self): """ Add auto filters for all columns. """ first = self.sheet.cell(row=1, column=1) last = self.sheet.cell(row=self.sheet.max_row, column=self.sheet.max_column) cellrange = '{}:{}'.format(first.coordinate, last.coordinate) self.sheet.auto_filter.ref = cellrange
[docs] def auto_resize(self, progress=None): """ (Try to) Auto-resize all data columns. """ # note, some of the below uses efficiency tricks from these docs # # we must calculate desired column widths. but for sake of progress, # we'll iterate through rows instead of columns, to do that. (this is # just to give a higher total for the progress bar.) so the first pass # is really just to cache all existing string widths. cached = [] def cache(row, i): cached.append([len(six.text_type(value)) for value in row]) progress_loop(cache, list(self.sheet.values), progress, message="Calculating all string widths") # okay, now can determine ideal widths column_widths = [] def calculate(col, i): width = max([row_widths[col] for row_widths in cached]) column_widths.append(width or 5) progress_loop(calculate, range(self.sheet.max_column), progress, message="Calculating desired column widths") # resize columns for i, width in enumerate(column_widths, 1): self.sheet.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(i)].width = width + 3
[docs] def save(self, progress=None): """ Save the Excel workbook to file. If ``progress`` is provided, it will be used in a hacky sort of way, i.e. from 0 to 1 only since we have no way of knowing true progress for the save operation. (But it can still be nice to let user know this is the step we're on at least.) """ def save(x, i): progress_loop(save, range(1), progress, message="Saving workbook to file")