Source code for rattail.importing.rattail

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Rattail -> Rattail data import

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict

import sqlalchemy as sa

from rattail.db import Session
from rattail.importing import model
from rattail.importing.handlers import FromSQLAlchemyHandler, ToSQLAlchemyHandler
from rattail.importing.sqlalchemy import FromSQLAlchemySameToSame

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FromRattailHandler(FromSQLAlchemyHandler): """ Base class for import handlers which target a Rattail database on the local side. """ host_key = 'rattail' generic_host_title = "Rattail" @property def host_title(self): return self.config.app_title(default="Rattail")
[docs] def make_host_session(self): return Session()
[docs] class ToRattailHandler(ToSQLAlchemyHandler): """ Base class for import handlers which target a Rattail database on the local side. """ generic_local_title = "Rattail" local_key = 'rattail' @property def local_title(self): return self.config.app_title(default="Rattail")
[docs] def make_session(self): kwargs = {} if hasattr(self, 'runas_user'): kwargs['continuum_user'] = self.runas_user return Session(**kwargs)
def begin_local_transaction(self): self.session = self.make_session() # load "runas user" into current session if hasattr(self, 'runas_user') and self.runas_user: dbmodel = self.config.get_model() runas_user = self.session.get(dbmodel.User, self.runas_user.uuid) if not runas_user:"runas_user does not exist in target session: %s", self.runas_user.username) # this may be None if user does not exist in target session self.runas_user = runas_user # declare "runas user" is data versioning author if hasattr(self, 'runas_username') and self.runas_username: self.session.set_continuum_user(self.runas_username)
class FromRattailToRattailBase(object): """ Common base class for Rattail -> Rattail data import/export handlers. """ def get_importers(self): importers = OrderedDict() importers['Person'] = PersonImporter importers['GlobalPerson'] = GlobalPersonImporter importers['PersonEmailAddress'] = PersonEmailAddressImporter importers['PersonPhoneNumber'] = PersonPhoneNumberImporter importers['PersonMailingAddress'] = PersonMailingAddressImporter importers['MergePeopleRequest'] = MergePeopleRequestImporter importers['Role'] = RoleImporter importers['GlobalRole'] = GlobalRoleImporter importers['User'] = UserImporter importers['AdminUser'] = AdminUserImporter importers['GlobalUser'] = GlobalUserImporter importers['Message'] = MessageImporter importers['MessageRecipient'] = MessageRecipientImporter importers['Store'] = StoreImporter importers['StorePhoneNumber'] = StorePhoneNumberImporter importers['Employee'] = EmployeeImporter importers['EmployeeStore'] = EmployeeStoreImporter importers['EmployeeEmailAddress'] = EmployeeEmailAddressImporter importers['EmployeePhoneNumber'] = EmployeePhoneNumberImporter importers['ScheduledShift'] = ScheduledShiftImporter importers['WorkedShift'] = WorkedShiftImporter importers['Customer'] = CustomerImporter importers['CustomerGroup'] = CustomerGroupImporter importers['CustomerGroupAssignment'] = CustomerGroupAssignmentImporter importers['CustomerShopper'] = CustomerShopperImporter importers['CustomerShopperHistory'] = CustomerShopperHistoryImporter importers['CustomerPerson'] = CustomerPersonImporter importers['CustomerEmailAddress'] = CustomerEmailAddressImporter importers['CustomerPhoneNumber'] = CustomerPhoneNumberImporter importers['Member'] = MemberImporter importers['MemberEmailAddress'] = MemberEmailAddressImporter importers['MemberPhoneNumber'] = MemberPhoneNumberImporter importers['MemberEquityPayment'] = MemberEquityPaymentImporter importers['Tender'] = TenderImporter importers['Vendor'] = VendorImporter importers['VendorEmailAddress'] = VendorEmailAddressImporter importers['VendorPhoneNumber'] = VendorPhoneNumberImporter importers['VendorContact'] = VendorContactImporter importers['VendorSampleFile'] = VendorSampleFileImporter importers['Department'] = DepartmentImporter importers['EmployeeDepartment'] = EmployeeDepartmentImporter importers['Subdepartment'] = SubdepartmentImporter importers['Category'] = CategoryImporter importers['Family'] = FamilyImporter importers['ReportCode'] = ReportCodeImporter importers['DepositLink'] = DepositLinkImporter importers['Tax'] = TaxImporter importers['InventoryAdjustmentReason'] = InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter importers['Brand'] = BrandImporter importers['Product'] = ProductImporter importers['ProductCode'] = ProductCodeImporter importers['ProductCost'] = ProductCostImporter importers['ProductPrice'] = ProductPriceImporter importers['ProductPriceAssociation'] = ProductPriceAssociationImporter importers['ProductStoreInfo'] = ProductStoreInfoImporter importers['ProductVolatile'] = ProductVolatileImporter importers['ProductImage'] = ProductImageImporter importers['LabelProfile'] = LabelProfileImporter return importers def get_default_keys(self): keys = self.get_importer_keys() avoid_by_default = [ 'Role', 'GlobalRole', 'GlobalPerson', 'AdminUser', 'GlobalUser', 'ProductImage', 'ProductPriceAssociation', ] for key in avoid_by_default: if key in keys: keys.remove(key) return keys
[docs] class FromRattailToRattailImport(FromRattailToRattailBase, FromRattailHandler, ToRattailHandler): """ Handler for Rattail (other) -> Rattail (local) data import. .. attribute:: direction Value is ``'import'`` - see also :attr:`rattail.importing.handlers.ImportHandler.direction`. """ dbkey = 'other' @property def host_title(self): return "{} ({})".format(self.config.app_title(default="Rattail"), self.dbkey) @property def local_title(self): return self.config.node_title(default="Rattail (local)")
[docs] def make_host_session(self): return Session(bind=self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey])
[docs] class FromRattailToRattailExport(FromRattailToRattailBase, FromRattailHandler, ToRattailHandler): """ Handler for Rattail (local) -> Rattail (other) data export. .. attribute:: direction Value is ``'export'`` - see also :attr:`rattail.importing.handlers.ImportHandler.direction`. """ direction = 'export' dbkey = 'other' @property def host_title(self): return self.config.node_title() @property def local_title(self): return "{} ({})".format(self.config.app_title(default="Rattail"), self.dbkey)
[docs] def make_session(self): return Session(bind=self.config.rattail_engines[self.dbkey])
class FromRattail(FromSQLAlchemySameToSame): """ Base class for Rattail -> Rattail data importers. """ class PersonImporter(FromRattail, model.PersonImporter): pass class GlobalPersonImporter(FromRattail, model.GlobalPersonImporter): """ This is a customized version of the :class:`PersonImporter`, which simply avoids "local only" person accounts. """ def query(self): query = super(GlobalPersonImporter, self).query() # never include "local only" people query = query.filter(sa.or_( self.host_model_class.local_only == False, self.host_model_class.local_only == None)) return query def normalize_host_object(self, person): # must check this here for sake of datasync if person.local_only: return data = super(GlobalPersonImporter, self).normalize_host_object(person) return data class PersonEmailAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.PersonEmailAddressImporter): pass class PersonPhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.PersonPhoneNumberImporter): pass class PersonMailingAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.PersonMailingAddressImporter): pass class MergePeopleRequestImporter(FromRattail, model.MergePeopleRequestImporter): pass
[docs] class RoleImporter(FromRattail, model.RoleImporter): pass
[docs] class GlobalRoleImporter(RoleImporter): """ Role importer which only will handle roles which have the :attr:`~rattail.db.model.users.Role.sync_me` flag set. (So it syncs those roles but avoids others.) """ @property def supported_fields(self): fields = list(super(GlobalRoleImporter, self).supported_fields) fields.extend([ 'permissions', 'users', ]) return fields # nb. we must override both cache_query() and query() b/c they use # different sessions!
[docs] def cache_query(self): """ Return the query to be used when caching "local" data. """ query = super(GlobalRoleImporter, self).cache_query() model = self.model # only want roles which are *meant* to be synced query = query.filter(model.Role.sync_me == True) return query
[docs] def query(self): query = super(GlobalRoleImporter, self).query() model = self.model # only want roles which are *meant* to be synced query = query.filter(model.Role.sync_me == True) return query
# nb. we do not need to override normalize_host_object() b/c it # just calls normalize_local_object() by default
[docs] def normalize_local_object(self, role): # only want roles which are *meant* to be synced if not role.sync_me: return data = super(GlobalRoleImporter, self).normalize_local_object(role) if data: # users if 'users' in self.fields: data['users'] = sorted([user.uuid for user in role.users]) # permissions if 'permissions' in self.fields: auth = perms = auth.cache_permissions(self.session, role, include_guest=False) data['permissions'] = sorted(perms) return data
[docs] def update_object(self, role, host_data, local_data=None, **kwargs): role = super(GlobalRoleImporter, self).update_object(role, host_data, local_data=local_data, **kwargs) model = self.model # users # nb. we only update users if this role has flag set if 'users' in self.fields and role.sync_users: new_users = host_data['users'] old_users = local_data['users'] if local_data else [] changed = False # add some users for new_user in new_users: if new_user not in old_users: user = self.session.get(model.User, new_user) if user: user.roles.append(role) changed = True # remove some users for old_user in old_users: if old_user not in new_users: user = self.session.get(model.User, old_user) if user: user.roles.remove(role) changed = True if changed: self.session.flush() self.session.refresh(role) # also record a change to the role, for datasync. # this is done "just in case" the role is to be # synced to all nodes if self.session.rattail_record_changes: self.session.add(model.Change(class_name='Role', instance_uuid=role.uuid, deleted=False)) # permissions if 'permissions' in self.fields: auth = new_perms = host_data['permissions'] old_perms = local_data['permissions'] if local_data else [] # grant permissions for new_perm in new_perms: if new_perm not in old_perms: auth.grant_permission(role, new_perm) # revoke permissions for old_perm in old_perms: if old_perm not in new_perms: auth.revoke_permission(role, old_perm) return role
class UserImporter(FromRattail, model.UserImporter): pass class GlobalUserImporter(FromRattail, model.GlobalUserImporter): """ This is a customized version of the :class:`UserImporter`, which simply avoids "local only" user accounts. """ def query(self): query = super(GlobalUserImporter, self).query() # never include "local only" users query = query.filter(sa.or_( self.host_model_class.local_only == False, self.host_model_class.local_only == None)) return query def normalize_host_object(self, user): # must check this here for sake of datasync if user.local_only: return data = super(GlobalUserImporter, self).normalize_host_object(user) return data class AdminUserImporter(FromRattail, model.AdminUserImporter): @property def supported_fields(self): return super(AdminUserImporter, self).supported_fields + [ 'admin', ] def normalize_host_object(self, user): data = super(AdminUserImporter, self).normalize_local_object(user) # sic if 'admin' in self.fields: # TODO: do we really need this, after the above? data['admin'] = self.admin_uuid in [r.role_uuid for r in user._roles] return data class MessageImporter(FromRattail, model.MessageImporter): pass class MessageRecipientImporter(FromRattail, model.MessageRecipientImporter): pass class StoreImporter(FromRattail, model.StoreImporter): pass class StorePhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.StorePhoneNumberImporter): pass class EmployeeImporter(FromRattail, model.EmployeeImporter): pass class EmployeeStoreImporter(FromRattail, model.EmployeeStoreImporter): pass class EmployeeDepartmentImporter(FromRattail, model.EmployeeDepartmentImporter): pass class EmployeeEmailAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.EmployeeEmailAddressImporter): pass class EmployeePhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.EmployeePhoneNumberImporter): pass class ScheduledShiftImporter(FromRattail, model.ScheduledShiftImporter): pass class WorkedShiftImporter(FromRattail, model.WorkedShiftImporter): pass class CustomerImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerImporter): pass class CustomerGroupImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerGroupImporter): pass class CustomerGroupAssignmentImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerGroupAssignmentImporter): pass class CustomerShopperImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerShopperImporter): pass class CustomerShopperHistoryImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerShopperHistoryImporter): pass class CustomerPersonImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerPersonImporter): pass class CustomerEmailAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerEmailAddressImporter): pass class CustomerPhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.CustomerPhoneNumberImporter): pass class MemberImporter(FromRattail, model.MemberImporter): pass class MemberEmailAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.MemberEmailAddressImporter): pass class MemberPhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.MemberPhoneNumberImporter): pass class MemberEquityPaymentImporter(FromRattail, model.MemberEquityPaymentImporter): pass class TenderImporter(FromRattail, model.TenderImporter): pass class VendorImporter(FromRattail, model.VendorImporter): pass class VendorEmailAddressImporter(FromRattail, model.VendorEmailAddressImporter): pass class VendorPhoneNumberImporter(FromRattail, model.VendorPhoneNumberImporter): pass class VendorContactImporter(FromRattail, model.VendorContactImporter): pass class VendorSampleFileImporter(FromRattail, model.VendorSampleFileImporter): pass class DepartmentImporter(FromRattail, model.DepartmentImporter): pass class SubdepartmentImporter(FromRattail, model.SubdepartmentImporter): pass class CategoryImporter(FromRattail, model.CategoryImporter): pass class FamilyImporter(FromRattail, model.FamilyImporter): pass class ReportCodeImporter(FromRattail, model.ReportCodeImporter): pass class DepositLinkImporter(FromRattail, model.DepositLinkImporter): pass class TaxImporter(FromRattail, model.TaxImporter): pass class InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter(FromRattail, model.InventoryAdjustmentReasonImporter): pass class BrandImporter(FromRattail, model.BrandImporter): pass class ProductWithPriceImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductImporter): """ This can perhaps be thought of as the "complete" Product record importer. The "normal" Product importer will typically avoid the "price uuid" reference fields, b/c of that foreign key chaos. Note that this importer is not (yet?) used directly, but is primarily useful as a base class. """ # these require special handling due to the 2-way table dependency price_reference_fields = [ 'regular_price_uuid', 'tpr_price_uuid', 'sale_price_uuid', 'current_price_uuid', 'suggested_price_uuid', ] def query(self): query = super(ProductWithPriceImporter, self).query() # make sure potential unit items (i.e. rows with NULL unit_uuid) come # first, so they will be created before pack items reference them # cf. # cf. query = query.order_by(self.host_model_class.unit_uuid.desc()) return query class ProductPriceAssociationImporter(ProductWithPriceImporter): """ Note that this importer is *only* for sake of handling the "price uuid" fields. """ @property def simple_fields(self): return ['uuid'] + self.price_reference_fields class ProductImporter(ProductWithPriceImporter): """ Note that this is the "normal" Product record importer, but it inherits from the "complete" importer. This one avoids the "price uuid" fields to avoid that foreign key chaos. """ @property def simple_fields(self): fields = super(ProductImporter, self).simple_fields # NOTE: it seems we can't consider these "simple" due to the # self-referencing foreign key situation. an importer can still # "support" these fields, but they're excluded from the simple set for # sake of rattail <-> rattail for field in self.price_reference_fields: fields.remove(field) return fields class ProductCodeImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductCodeImporter): pass class ProductCostImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductCostImporter): pass class ProductPriceImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductPriceImporter): @property def supported_fields(self): # nb. parent class FromRattail only supports simple_fields, so # we explicitly copy logic from model importer class here. return self.simple_fields + self.product_reference_fields class ProductStoreInfoImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductStoreInfoImporter): pass class ProductVolatileImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductVolatileImporter): pass class ProductImageImporter(FromRattail, model.ProductImageImporter): """ Importer for product images. Note that this uses the "batch" approach because fetching all data up front is not performant when the host/local systems are on different machines etc. """ def query(self): query = self.host_session.query(self.model_class)\ .order_by(self.model_class.uuid) return query[self.host_index:self.host_index + self.batch_size] class LabelProfileImporter(FromRattail, model.LabelProfileImporter): def query(self): query = super(LabelProfileImporter, self).query() if not self.config.getbool('rattail', 'labels.sync_all_profiles', default=False): # only fetch labels from host which are marked as "sync me" query = query .filter(self.model_class.sync_me == True) return query.order_by(self.model_class.ordinal)