Source code for rattail.problems.handlers

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Problem Report Handlers

import calendar
import importlib
import logging
import warnings

from rattail.db import Session
from rattail.time import localtime
from rattail.util import load_object, progress_loop
from rattail.problems import ProblemReport, RattailProblemReport

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ProblemReportHandler(object): """ Base class and default implementation for problem report handlers. """ def __init__(self, config, dry_run=False, progress=None): self.config = config self.dry_run = dry_run self.progress = progress = self.config.get_app() self.enum = self.config.get_enum() def progress_loop(self, func, items, factory=None, **kwargs): factory = factory or self.progress return progress_loop(func, items, factory, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_all_problem_reports(self): """ Returns a simple list of all ``ProblemReport`` subclasses which are "available" according to config. """ reports = [] problem_modules = self.config.getlist('rattail.problems', 'modules') if not problem_modules: problem_modules = self.config.getlist('rattail', 'problems') if problem_modules: warnings.warn("config key `rattail.problems` is deprecated; " "please set `rattail.problems.modules` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if not problem_modules: problem_modules = ['rattail.problems.rattail'] for module_path in problem_modules: module = importlib.import_module(module_path) for name in dir(module): obj = getattr(module, name) if (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, ProblemReport) and obj not in (ProblemReport, RattailProblemReport)): reports.append(obj) return reports
[docs] def get_problem_reports(self, systems=None, problems=None): """ Return a list of all problem reports which match the given criteria. :param systems: Optional list of "system keys" which a problem report must match, in order to be included in return value. :param problems: Optional list of "problem keys" which a problem report must match, in order to be included in return value. :returns: List of problem reports; may be an empty list. """ all_reports = self.get_all_problem_reports() if not (systems or problems): return all_reports matches = [] for report in all_reports: if not systems or report.system_key in systems: if not problems or report.problem_key in problems: matches.append(report) return matches
[docs] def get_problem_report(self, system_key, problem_key, **kwargs): """ Return a specific problem report, identified by the system/problem key pair. :param system_key: System key, part of the identifier. :param problem_key: Problem key, part of the identifier. :returns: A specific :class:`~ProblemReport` class, if a match was found, otherwise ``None``. """ reports = self.get_problem_reports(systems=[system_key], problems=[problem_key]) if reports: if len(reports) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Multiple problem reports defined " "for key: {}.{}".format( system_key, problem_key)) return reports[0]
[docs] def normalize_problem_report(self, report, include_schedule=False, include_recipients=False, **kwargs): """ Return a normalized data dictionary for the given problem report. :param include_schedule: If true, data dict will include the ``enabled`` field, as well as the ``day0`` thru ``day6`` flag fields. :param include_recipients: If true, data dict will include the ``email_recipients`` field, which is a list of email addresses. """ data = { 'system_key': report.system_key, 'problem_key': report.problem_key, 'problem_title': report.problem_title, 'description': (report.__doc__ or '').strip() or None, 'email_key': self.get_email_key(report), } if include_schedule: data['enabled'] = self.is_enabled(report) data['days'] = {} for day in range(7): daykey = 'day{}'.format(day) data[daykey] = self.should_run_for_day(report, day) data['days'][daykey] = data[daykey] if include_recipients: email_handler = email = email_handler.get_email(data['email_key']) data['email_recipients'] = email.get_recips('all') return data
[docs] def is_enabled(self, report): """ Returns boolean indicating if the given problem report is enabled. """ key = '{}.{}'.format(report.system_key, report.problem_key) enabled = self.config.getbool('rattail.problems', '{}.enabled'.format(key)) if enabled is not None: return enabled return True
[docs] def should_run_for_day(self, report, day): """ Returns boolean indicating if the given problem report should be ran for the given weekday. :param day: Integer corresponding to a particular weekday. Uses the same conventions as Python itself, i.e. Monday is represented as zero (0). """ key = '{}.{}'.format(report.system_key, report.problem_key) enabled = self.config.getbool('rattail.problems', '{}.day{}'.format(key, day)) if enabled is not None: return enabled return True
[docs] def organize_problem_reports(self, reports): """ Returns a nested dict with the given problem reports. """ organized = {} for report in reports: system = organized.setdefault(report.system_key, {}) system[report.problem_key] = report return organized
[docs] def supported_systems(self): """ Returns list of keys for all systems which are supported by any of the available problem reports, according to config. """ problem_reports = self.get_all_problem_reports() return sorted(set([pr.system_key for pr in problem_reports]))
[docs] def run_problem_reports(self, reports, fix=False, force=False, **kwargs): """ Run the given set of problem reports. :param fix: This flag will be passed as-is to :meth:`run_problem_report()`. """ organized = self.organize_problem_reports(reports) for system_key in sorted(organized): system = organized[system_key] for problem_key in sorted(system): report = system[problem_key] self.run_problem_report(report, fix=fix, force=force)
[docs] def run_problem_report(self, problem_report, fix=False, send=True, force=False, **kwargs): """ Run the given problem report, if it is enabled and scheduled to run for the current day. :param force: If true, the report will run regardless of whether it is enabled at all / for the current day. If false (the default) then the report's enabled flags will determine whether we should actually run it now. """ key = '{}.{}'.format(problem_report.system_key, problem_report.problem_key)"running problem report: %s", key) if not self.is_enabled(problem_report): log.debug("problem report is not enabled: %s", key) if not force: return weekday = if not self.should_run_for_day(problem_report, weekday): log.debug("problem report is not scheduled for %s: %s", calendar.day_name[weekday], key) if not force: return progress = kwargs.pop('progress', self.progress) report = problem_report(self.config, dry_run=self.dry_run, progress=progress) problems = report.find_problems(**kwargs)"found %s problems", len(problems)) if problems and send: self.send_problem_report(report, problems) return problems
def get_email_key(self, report): if report.email_key: return report.email_key return '{}_problems_{}'.format(report.system_key, report.problem_key)
[docs] def send_problem_report(self, report, problems): """ Send out an email with details of the given problem report. """ context = self.get_global_email_context() context = self.get_report_email_context(report, problems, **context) context.update({ 'report': report, 'problems': problems, 'app':, 'enum': self.enum, 'render_time': self.render_time, }) attachments = report.make_email_attachments(context) email_key = self.get_email_key(report), context, default_subject=report.problem_title, attachments=attachments or [])
[docs] def render_time(self, time, from_utc=True): """ Render the given timestamp, localizing if necessary. """ time =, from_utc=from_utc) return
[docs] def get_global_email_context(self, **kwargs): """ This method can be used to add extra context for all email templates. """ return kwargs
[docs] def get_report_email_context(self, report, problems, **kwargs): """ This method can be used to add extra context for a specific report's email template. """ kwargs['system_title'] = self.get_system_title(report.system_key) kwargs = report.get_email_context(problems, **kwargs) return kwargs
[docs] def get_system_title(self, system_key): """ Should return a "display title" for the given system. """ return system_key.capitalize()
[docs] def get_problem_report_handler(config, **kwargs): """ Create and return the configured :class:`ProblemReportHandler` instance. """ spec = config.get('rattail.problems', 'handler') if spec: factory = load_object(spec) else: factory = ProblemReportHandler return factory(config, **kwargs)