
Rattail - subcommand make-appdir

class rattail.commands.make_appdir.MakeAppDir(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make or refresh the “app dir” for virtual environment

usage: rattail make-appdir [-h] [--path APPDIR] [-U USERNAME]

Make or refresh the "app dir" for virtual environment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path APPDIR         Optional path to desired app dir. If not specified it
                        will be named ``app`` and placed in the root of the
                        virtual environment.
                        Linux username which should be given ownership to the
                        various data folders which are to be created. This is
                        used when the app(s) are to normally be ran as the
                        'rattail' user for instance. Use of this option
                        probably requires 'sudo' or equivalent.