Source code for tailbone.api.batch.core

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2023 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
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#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Tailbone Web API - Batch Views

import logging
import warnings

from cornice import Service

from tailbone.api import APIMasterView

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class APIBatchMixin(object): """ Base class for all API views which are meant to handle "batch" *and/or* "batch row" data. """ def get_batch_class(self): model_class = self.get_model_class() if hasattr(model_class, '__batch_class__'): return model_class.__batch_class__ return model_class def get_handler(self): """ Returns a `BatchHandler` instance for the view. All (?) custom batch API views should define a default handler class; however this may in all (?) cases be overridden by config also. The specific setting required to do so will depend on the 'key' for the type of batch involved, e.g. assuming the 'vendor_catalog' batch: .. code-block:: ini [rattail.batch] vendor_catalog.handler = myapp.batch.vendorcatalog:CustomCatalogHandler Note that the 'key' for a batch is generally the same as its primary table name, although technically it is whatever value returns from the ``batch_key`` attribute of the main batch model class. """ app = self.get_rattail_app() key = self.get_batch_class().batch_key return app.get_batch_handler(key, default=self.default_handler_spec)
[docs] class APIBatchView(APIBatchMixin, APIMasterView): """ Base class for all API views which are meant to handle "batch" *and/or* "batch row" data. """ supports_toggle_complete = False supports_execute = False def __init__(self, request, **kwargs): super(APIBatchView, self).__init__(request, **kwargs) self.batch_handler = self.get_handler() @property def handler(self): warnings.warn("the `handler` property is deprecated; " "please use `batch_handler` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.batch_handler def normalize(self, batch): app = self.get_rattail_app() created = app.localtime(batch.created, from_utc=True) executed = None if batch.executed: executed = app.localtime(batch.executed, from_utc=True) return { 'uuid': batch.uuid, '_str': str(batch), 'id':, 'id_str': batch.id_str, 'description': batch.description, 'notes': batch.notes, 'params': batch.params or {}, 'rowcount': batch.rowcount, 'created': str(created), 'created_display': self.pretty_datetime(created), 'created_by_uuid': batch.created_by.uuid, 'created_by_display': str(batch.created_by), 'complete': batch.complete, 'status_code': batch.status_code, 'status_display': batch.STATUS.get(batch.status_code, str(batch.status_code)), 'executed': str(executed) if executed else None, 'executed_display': self.pretty_datetime(executed) if executed else None, 'executed_by_uuid': batch.executed_by_uuid, 'executed_by_display': str(batch.executed_by or ''), 'mutable': self.batch_handler.is_mutable(batch), } def create_object(self, data): """ Create a new object instance and populate it with the given data. Here we'll invoke the handler for actual batch creation, instead of typical logic used for simple records. """ user = self.request.user kwargs = dict(data) kwargs['user'] = user batch = self.batch_handler.make_batch(self.Session(), **kwargs) if self.batch_handler.should_populate(batch): self.batch_handler.do_populate(batch, user) return batch def update_object(self, batch, data): """ Logic for updating a main object record. Here we want to make sure we set "created by" to the current user, when creating a new batch. """ # we're only concerned with *new* batches here if not batch.uuid: # assign creator; initialize row count batch.created_by_uuid = self.request.user.uuid if batch.rowcount is None: batch.rowcount = 0 # then go ahead with usual logic return super(APIBatchView, self).update_object(batch, data) def mark_complete(self): """ Mark the given batch as "complete". """ batch = self.get_object() if batch.executed: return {'error': "Batch {} has already been executed: {}".format( batch.id_str, batch.description)} if batch.complete: return {'error': "Batch {} is already marked complete: {}".format( batch.id_str, batch.description)} batch.complete = True return self._get(obj=batch) def mark_incomplete(self): """ Mark the given batch as "incomplete". """ batch = self.get_object() if batch.executed: return {'error': "Batch {} has already been executed: {}".format( batch.id_str, batch.description)} if not batch.complete: return {'error': "Batch {} is already marked incomplete: {}".format( batch.id_str, batch.description)} batch.complete = False return self._get(obj=batch) def execute(self): """ Execute the given batch. """ batch = self.get_object() if batch.executed: return {'error': "Batch {} has already been executed: {}".format( batch.id_str, batch.description)} kwargs = dict(self.request.json_body) kwargs.pop('user', None) kwargs.pop('progress', None) result = self.batch_handler.do_execute(batch, self.request.user, **kwargs) return {'ok': bool(result), 'batch': self.normalize(batch)} @classmethod def defaults(cls, config): cls._defaults(config) cls._batch_defaults(config) @classmethod def _batch_defaults(cls, config): route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix() permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix() collection_url_prefix = cls.get_collection_url_prefix() object_url_prefix = cls.get_object_url_prefix() if cls.supports_toggle_complete: # mark complete mark_complete = Service(name='{}.mark_complete'.format(route_prefix), path='{}/{{uuid}}/mark-complete'.format(object_url_prefix)) mark_complete.add_view('POST', 'mark_complete', klass=cls, permission='{}.edit'.format(permission_prefix)) config.add_cornice_service(mark_complete) # mark incomplete mark_incomplete = Service(name='{}.mark_incomplete'.format(route_prefix), path='{}/{{uuid}}/mark-incomplete'.format(object_url_prefix)) mark_incomplete.add_view('POST', 'mark_incomplete', klass=cls, permission='{}.edit'.format(permission_prefix)) config.add_cornice_service(mark_incomplete) if cls.supports_execute: # execute batch execute = Service(name='{}.execute'.format(route_prefix), path='{}/{{uuid}}/execute'.format(object_url_prefix)) execute.add_view('POST', 'execute', klass=cls, permission='{}.execute'.format(permission_prefix)) config.add_cornice_service(execute)
# TODO: deprecate / remove this BatchAPIMasterView = APIBatchView
[docs] class APIBatchRowView(APIBatchMixin, APIMasterView): """ Base class for all API views which are meant to handle "batch rows" data. """ editable = False supports_quick_entry = False def __init__(self, request, **kwargs): super(APIBatchRowView, self).__init__(request, **kwargs) self.batch_handler = self.get_handler() @property def handler(self): warnings.warn("the `handler` property is deprecated; " "please use `batch_handler` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.batch_handler def normalize(self, row): batch = row.batch return { 'uuid': row.uuid, '_str': str(row), '_parent_str': str(batch), '_parent_uuid': batch.uuid, 'batch_uuid': batch.uuid, 'batch_id':, 'batch_id_str': batch.id_str, 'batch_description': batch.description, 'batch_complete': batch.complete, 'batch_executed': bool(batch.executed), 'batch_mutable': self.batch_handler.is_mutable(batch), 'sequence': row.sequence, 'status_code': row.status_code, 'status_display': row.STATUS.get(row.status_code, str(row.status_code)), } def update_object(self, row, data): """ Supplements the default logic as follows: Invokes the batch handler's ``refresh_row()`` method after updating the row's field data per usual. """ if not self.batch_handler.is_mutable(row.batch): return {'error': "Batch is not mutable"} # update row per usual row = super(APIBatchRowView, self).update_object(row, data) # okay now we apply handler refresh logic self.batch_handler.refresh_row(row) return row def delete_object(self, row): """ Overrides the default logic as follows: Delegates deletion of the row to the batch handler. """ self.batch_handler.do_remove_row(row) def quick_entry(self): """ View for handling "quick entry" user input, for a batch. """ data = self.request.json_body uuid = data['batch_uuid'] batch = self.Session.get(self.get_batch_class(), uuid) if not batch: raise self.notfound() entry = data['quick_entry'] try: row = self.batch_handler.quick_entry(self.Session(), batch, entry) except Exception as error: log.warning("quick entry failed for '%s' batch %s: %s", self.batch_handler.batch_key, batch.id_str, entry, exc_info=True) msg = str(error) if not msg and isinstance(error, NotImplementedError): msg = "Feature is not implemented" return {'error': msg} if not row: return {'error': "Could not identify product"} self.Session.flush() result = self._get(obj=row) result['ok'] = True return result @classmethod def defaults(cls, config): cls._defaults(config) cls._batch_row_defaults(config) @classmethod def _batch_row_defaults(cls, config): route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix() permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix() collection_url_prefix = cls.get_collection_url_prefix() if cls.supports_quick_entry: # quick entry quick_entry = Service(name='{}.quick_entry'.format(route_prefix), path='{}/quick-entry'.format(collection_url_prefix)) quick_entry.add_view('POST', 'quick_entry', klass=cls, permission='{}.edit'.format(permission_prefix)) config.add_cornice_service(quick_entry)