Source code for tailbone.api.batch.ordering

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2024 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
#  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
#  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
#  details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Rattail.  If not, see <>.
Tailbone Web API - Ordering Batches

These views expose the basic CRUD interface to "ordering" batches, for the web

import datetime
import logging

import sqlalchemy as sa

from rattail.db.model import PurchaseBatch, PurchaseBatchRow

from cornice import Service

from tailbone.api.batch import APIBatchView, APIBatchRowView

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OrderingBatchViews(APIBatchView): model_class = PurchaseBatch default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.purchase:PurchaseBatchHandler' route_prefix = 'orderingbatchviews' permission_prefix = 'ordering' collection_url_prefix = '/ordering-batches' object_url_prefix = '/ordering-batch' supports_toggle_complete = True supports_execute = True
[docs] def base_query(self): """ Modifies the default logic as follows: Adds a condition to the query, to ensure only purchase batches with "ordering" mode are returned. """ model = self.model query = super().base_query() query = query.filter(model.PurchaseBatch.mode == self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_ORDERING) return query
def normalize(self, batch): data = super().normalize(batch) data['vendor_uuid'] = batch.vendor.uuid data['vendor_display'] = str(batch.vendor) data['department_uuid'] = batch.department_uuid data['department_display'] = str(batch.department) if batch.department else None data['po_total_calculated_display'] = "${:0.2f}".format(batch.po_total_calculated or 0) data['ship_method'] = batch.ship_method data['notes_to_vendor'] = batch.notes_to_vendor return data
[docs] def create_object(self, data): """ Modifies the default logic as follows: Sets the mode to "ordering" for the new batch. """ data = dict(data) data['mode'] = self.enum.PURCHASE_BATCH_MODE_ORDERING batch = super().create_object(data) return batch
def worksheet(self): """ Returns primary data for the Ordering Worksheet view. """ batch = self.get_object() if batch.executed: raise self.forbidden() app = self.get_rattail_app() # TODO: much of the logic below was copied from the traditional master # view for ordering batches. should maybe let them share it somehow? # organize existing batch rows by product order_items = {} for row in batch.active_rows(): order_items[row.product_uuid] = row # organize vendor catalog costs by dept / subdept departments = {} costs = self.batch_handler.get_order_form_costs(self.Session(), batch.vendor) costs = self.batch_handler.sort_order_form_costs(costs) costs = list(costs) # we must have a stable list for the rest of this self.batch_handler.decorate_order_form_costs(batch, costs) for cost in costs: department = cost.product.department if department: department_dict = departments.setdefault(department.uuid, { 'uuid': department.uuid, 'number': department.number, 'name':, }) else: if None not in departments: departments[None] = { 'uuid': None, 'number': None, 'name': "", } department_dict = departments[None] subdepartments = department_dict.setdefault('subdepartments', {}) subdepartment = cost.product.subdepartment if subdepartment: subdepartment_dict = subdepartments.setdefault(subdepartment.uuid, { 'uuid': subdepartment.uuid, 'number': subdepartment.number, 'name':, }) else: if None not in subdepartments: subdepartments[None] = { 'uuid': None, 'number': None, 'name': "", } subdepartment_dict = subdepartments[None] subdept_costs = subdepartment_dict.setdefault('costs', []) product = cost.product subdept_costs.append({ 'uuid': cost.uuid, 'upc': str(product.upc), 'upc_pretty': product.upc.pretty() if product.upc else None, 'brand_name': if product.brand else None, 'description': product.description, 'size': product.size, 'case_size': cost.case_size, 'uom_display': "LB" if product.weighed else "EA", 'vendor_item_code': cost.code, 'preference': cost.preference, 'preferred': cost.preference == 1, 'unit_cost': cost.unit_cost, 'unit_cost_display': "${:0.2f}".format(cost.unit_cost) if cost.unit_cost is not None else "", # TODO # 'cases_ordered': None, # 'units_ordered': None, # 'po_total': None, # 'po_total_display': None, }) # sort the (sub)department groupings sorted_departments = [] for dept in sorted(departments.values(), key=lambda d: d['name']): dept['subdepartments'] = sorted(dept['subdepartments'].values(), key=lambda s: s['name']) sorted_departments.append(dept) # fetch recent purchase history, sort/pad for template convenience history = self.batch_handler.get_order_form_history(batch, costs, 6) for i in range(6 - len(history)): history.append(None) history = list(reversed(history)) # must convert some date objects to string, for JSON sake for h in history: if not h: continue purchase = h.get('purchase') if purchase: dt = purchase.get('date_ordered') if dt and isinstance(dt, purchase['date_ordered'] = app.render_date(dt) dt = purchase.get('date_received') if dt and isinstance(dt, purchase['date_received'] = app.render_date(dt) return { 'batch': self.normalize(batch), 'departments': departments, 'sorted_departments': sorted_departments, 'history': history, } @classmethod def defaults(cls, config): cls._defaults(config) cls._batch_defaults(config) cls._ordering_batch_defaults(config) @classmethod def _ordering_batch_defaults(cls, config): route_prefix = cls.get_route_prefix() permission_prefix = cls.get_permission_prefix() object_url_prefix = cls.get_object_url_prefix() # worksheet worksheet = Service(name='{}.worksheet'.format(route_prefix), path='{}/{{uuid}}/worksheet'.format(object_url_prefix)) worksheet.add_view('GET', 'worksheet', klass=cls, permission='{}.worksheet'.format(permission_prefix)) config.add_cornice_service(worksheet)
[docs] class OrderingBatchRowViews(APIBatchRowView): model_class = PurchaseBatchRow default_handler_spec = 'rattail.batch.purchase:PurchaseBatchHandler' route_prefix = 'ordering.rows' permission_prefix = 'ordering' collection_url_prefix = '/ordering-batch-rows' object_url_prefix = '/ordering-batch-row' supports_quick_entry = True editable = True def normalize(self, row): data = super().normalize(row) app = self.get_rattail_app() batch = row.batch data['item_id'] = row.item_id data['upc'] = str(row.upc) data['upc_pretty'] = row.upc.pretty() if row.upc else None data['brand_name'] = row.brand_name data['description'] = row.description data['size'] = row.size data['full_description'] = row.product.full_description if row.product else row.description # # only provide image url if so configured # if self.rattail_config.getbool('rattail.batch', 'purchase.mobile_images', default=True): # data['image_url'] = pod.get_image_url(self.rattail_config, row.upc) if row.upc else None # unit_uom can vary by product data['unit_uom'] = 'LB' if row.product and row.product.weighed else 'EA' data['case_quantity'] = row.case_quantity data['cases_ordered'] = row.cases_ordered data['units_ordered'] = row.units_ordered data['cases_ordered_display'] = app.render_quantity(row.cases_ordered or 0, empty_zero=False) data['units_ordered_display'] = app.render_quantity(row.units_ordered or 0, empty_zero=False) data['po_unit_cost'] = row.po_unit_cost data['po_unit_cost_display'] = "${:0.2f}".format(row.po_unit_cost) if row.po_unit_cost is not None else None data['po_total_calculated'] = row.po_total_calculated data['po_total_calculated_display'] = "${:0.2f}".format(row.po_total_calculated) if row.po_total_calculated is not None else None data['status_code'] = row.status_code data['status_display'] = row.STATUS.get(row.status_code, str(row.status_code)) return data
[docs] def update_object(self, row, data): """ Overrides the default logic as follows: So far, we only allow updating the ``cases_ordered`` and/or ``units_ordered`` quantities; therefore ``data`` should have one or both of those keys. This data is then passed to the :meth:`~rattail:rattail.batch.purchase.PurchaseBatchHandler.update_row_quantity()` method of the batch handler. Note that the "normal" logic for this method is not invoked at all. """ if not self.batch_handler.is_mutable(row.batch): return {'error': "Batch is not mutable"} try: self.batch_handler.update_row_quantity(row, **data) self.Session.flush() except Exception as error: log.warning("update_row_quantity failed", exc_info=True) if isinstance(error, sa.exc.DataError) and hasattr(error, 'orig'): error = str(error.orig) else: error = str(error) return {'error': error} return row
def defaults(config, **kwargs): base = globals() OrderingBatchViews = kwargs.get('OrderingBatchViews', base['OrderingBatchViews']) OrderingBatchViews.defaults(config) OrderingBatchRowViews = kwargs.get('OrderingBatchRowViews', base['OrderingBatchRowViews']) OrderingBatchRowViews.defaults(config) def includeme(config): defaults(config)