Quick Start

This should get you up and running in minutes, with a “bare” Theo setup, meaning no POS integration. (You can add that later if desired.)

Clone the source code for Theo wherever you like, e.g. ~/src/theo:

mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone https://forgejo.wuttaproject.org/rattail/theo.git

Your local PostgreSQL service should be available, and user (named rattail) and DB (named theo) created:

sudo apt install postgresql
sudo -u postgres createuser -P rattail
sudo -u postgres createdb -O rattail theo

Make and activate a virtual environment, e.g. /srv/envs/theo:

mkdir -p /srv/envs
python3 -m venv /srv/envs/theo
source /srv/envs/theo/bin/activate

With the virtual environment active, run the development bootstrap script:

python3 ~/src/theo/dev/bootstrap.py