Source code for wutta_corepos.handler

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Wutta-COREPOS -- Wutta Framework integration for CORE-POS
#  Copyright © 2025 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Wutta Framework.
#  Wutta Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
#  later version.
#  Wutta Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
#  more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Wutta Framework.  If not, see <>.
CORE-POS Integration Handler

from import GenericHandler

[docs] class CoreposHandler(GenericHandler): """ Base class and default implementation for the CORE-POS integration :term:`handler`. """
[docs] def get_model_office_op(self): """ Returns the :term:`data model` module for CORE Office 'op' DB, i.e. :mod:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_op.model`. """ from corepos.db.office_op import model return model
[docs] def get_model_office_trans(self): """ Returns the :term:`data model` module for CORE Office 'trans' DB, i.e. :mod:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_trans.model`. """ from corepos.db.office_trans import model return model
[docs] def get_model_office_arch(self): """ Returns the :term:`data model` module for CORE Office 'arch' DB, i.e. :mod:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_arch.model`. """ from corepos.db.office_arch import model return model
[docs] def make_session_office_op(self, dbkey='default', **kwargs): """ Make a new :term:`db session` for the CORE Office 'op' DB. :returns: Instance of :class:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_op.Session`. """ from corepos.db.office_op import Session if 'bind' not in kwargs: kwargs['bind'] = self.config.core_office_op_engines[dbkey] return Session(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_session_office_trans(self, dbkey='default', **kwargs): """ Make a new :term:`db session` for the CORE Office 'trans' DB. :returns: Instance of :class:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_trans.Session`. """ from corepos.db.office_trans import Session if 'bind' not in kwargs: kwargs['bind'] = self.config.core_office_trans_engines[dbkey] return Session(**kwargs)
[docs] def make_session_office_arch(self, dbkey='default', **kwargs): """ Make a new :term:`db session` for the CORE Office 'arch' DB. :returns: Instance of :class:`pycorepos:corepos.db.office_arch.Session`. """ from corepos.db.office_arch import Session if 'bind' not in kwargs: kwargs['bind'] = self.config.core_office_arch_engines[dbkey] return Session(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_office_url(self, require=False): """ Returns the base URL for the CORE Office web app. Note that the return value is stripped of final slash. :param require: If true, an error is raised when URL cannot be determined. :returns: URL as string. """ url = self.config.get('', require=require) if url: return url.rstrip('/')
[docs] def get_office_department_url( self, dept_id, office_url=None, require=False): """ Returns the CORE Office URL for a Department. :param dept_id: Department ID for the URL. :param office_url: Root URL from :meth:`get_office_url()`. :param require: If true, an error is raised when URL cannot be determined. :returns: URL as string. """ if not office_url: office_url = self.get_office_url(require=require) if office_url: return f'{office_url}/item/departments/DepartmentEditor.php?did={dept_id}'
[docs] def get_office_likecode_url( self, likecode_id, office_url=None, require=False): """ Returns the CORE Office URL for a Like Code. :param likecode_id: Like Code ID for the URL. :param office_url: Root URL from :meth:`get_office_url()`. :param require: If true, an error is raised when URL cannot be determined. :returns: URL as string. """ if not office_url: office_url = self.get_office_url(require=require) if office_url: return f'{office_url}/item/likecodes/LikeCodeEditor.php?start={likecode_id}'
[docs] def get_office_product_url( self, upc, office_url=None, require=False): """ Returns the CORE Office URL for a Product. :param upc: UPC for the URL. :param office_url: Root URL from :meth:`get_office_url()`. :param require: If true, an error is raised when URL cannot be determined. :returns: URL as string. """ if not office_url: office_url = self.get_office_url(require=require) if office_url: return f'{office_url}/item/ItemEditorPage.php?searchupc={upc}'
[docs] def get_office_vendor_url( self, vend_id, office_url=None, require=False): """ Returns the CORE Office URL for a Vendor. :param vend_id: Vendor ID for the URL. :param office_url: Root URL from :meth:`get_office_url()`. :param require: If true, an error is raised when URL cannot be determined. :returns: URL as string. """ if not office_url: office_url = self.get_office_url(require=require) if office_url: return f'{office_url}/item/vendors/VendorIndexPage.php?vid={vend_id}'