Source code for rattail.batch.product

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  Rattail -- Retail Software Framework
#  Copyright © 2010-2022 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Rattail.
#  Rattail is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
#  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
#  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
#  version.
#  Rattail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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Handler for generic product batches

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from rattail.db import model
from rattail.batch import BatchHandler

[docs] class ProductBatchHandler(BatchHandler): """ Handler for generic product batches. """ batch_model_class = model.ProductBatch
[docs] def should_populate(self, batch): if batch.input_filename: return True return False
[docs] def populate(self, batch, progress=None): if batch.input_filename: return self.populate_from_file(batch, progress=progress)
def populate_from_file(self, batch, progress=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def refresh_row(self, row): if not row.product: if not row.item_entry: row.status_code = row.STATUS_MISSING_KEY return session = # nb. we prefer a GPC lookup if one is present row.product = self.locate_product_for_entry(session, row.upc or row.item_entry) if not row.product: row.status_code = row.STATUS_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND return self.refresh_product_basics(row) product = row.product row.department = product.department row.subdepartment = product.subdepartment row.category = product.category = row.reportcode = product.report_code cost = product.cost row.vendor = cost.vendor if cost else None row.vendor_item_code = cost.code if cost else None row.regular_cost = cost.unit_cost if cost else None row.current_cost = cost.discount_cost if cost else None row.current_cost_starts = cost.discount_starts if row.current_cost else None row.current_cost_ends = cost.discount_ends if row.current_cost else None regprice = product.regular_price curprice = product.current_price sugprice = product.suggested_price row.regular_price = regprice.price if regprice else None row.current_price = curprice.price if curprice else None row.current_price_starts = curprice.starts if curprice else None row.current_price_ends = curprice.ends if curprice else None row.suggested_price = sugprice.price if sugprice else None row.status_code = row.STATUS_OK
[docs] def describe_execution(self, batch, **kwargs): return ("A new batch will be created, using the items from this one. " "Type of the new batch depends on your choice of action.")
[docs] def execute(self, batch, user=None, action='make_label_batch', progress=None, **kwargs): if action == 'make_label_batch': result = self.make_label_batch(batch, user, progress=progress) elif action == 'make_pricing_batch': result = self.make_pricing_batch(batch, user, progress=progress) else: raise RuntimeError("Batch execution action is not supported: {}".format(action)) return result
[docs] def make_label_batch(self, product_batch, user, progress=None, **kwargs): """ Make a new Label Batch from the given Product Batch. :param product_batch: Reference to a :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.product.ProductBatch` instance from which a new label batch should be made. :param user: :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` who is responsible for this action. :returns: A new :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.labels.LabelBatch` instance, populated from the given product batch. """ handler = 'labels', default='rattail.batch.labels:LabelBatchHandler') session = kwargs.setdefault('description', product_batch.description) kwargs.setdefault('notes', product_batch.notes) label_batch = handler.make_batch(session, created_by=user, **kwargs) label_batch.product_batch = product_batch handler.do_populate(label_batch, user, progress=progress) return label_batch
[docs] def make_pricing_batch(self, product_batch, user, progress=None, **kwargs): """ Make a new Pricing Batch from the given Product Batch. :param product_batch: Reference to a :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.product.ProductBatch` instance from which a new pricing batch should be made. :param user: :class:`~rattail.db.model.users.User` who is responsible for this action. :returns: A new :class:`~rattail.db.model.batch.pricing.PricingBatch` instance, populated from the given product batch. """ handler = 'pricing', default='rattail.batch.pricing:PricingBatchHandler') session = kwargs.setdefault('description', product_batch.description) kwargs.setdefault('notes', product_batch.notes) pricing_batch = handler.make_batch(session, created_by=user, **kwargs) pricing_batch.product_batch = product_batch handler.do_populate(pricing_batch, user, progress=progress) return pricing_batch