Quick Start

WuttaPOS is a Python app based on Rattail.

As such it requires a Rattail DB to already be established, containing data for users (cashiers), customers, products etc. Getting all that setup is outside the scope of this guide; for more info see the Rattail Manual.

Here we are focused only on getting the WuttaPOS app setup.


Make a virtual environment:

python -m venv /srv/envs/wuttapos

Install the WuttaPOS package into it:

cd /srv/envs/wuttapos
bin/pip install WuttaPOS


Make a basic config file:

cd /srv/envs/wuttapos
bin/rattail make-config -T rattail -O app

Then edit app/rattail.conf to suit your needs. In particular you must specify the DB connection.


Now you can run the app:

cd /srv/envs/wuttapos
bin/wuttapos open

Access Control

Note that the app will only allow a user to login to POS, if they have permissions specific to the POS, namely “ring sales” (pos.ring_sales).

Once logged in, additional POS-specific permissions will determine whether the user may perform some actions, or not. In the latter case the user may initiate the action but then another user (e.g. manager) must login to complete the action.

All permissions must be managed externally, e.g. via your Rattail back-office web app. WuttaPOS will honor them but does not expose a way to manage them.