
Database sessions for web app

The web app uses a different database session than other (e.g. console) apps. The web session is “registered” to the HTTP request/response life cycle (aka. transaction) such that the session is automatically rolled back on error, and automatically committed if the response is finalized without error.

class wuttaweb.db.sess.Session

Primary database session class for the web app.

Note that you often do not need to “instantiate” this session, and can instead call methods directly on the class:

from wuttaweb.db import Session

users = Session.query(model.User).all()

However in certain cases you may still want/need to instantiate it, e.g. when passing a “true/normal” session to other logic. But you can always call instance methods as well:

from wuttaweb.db import Session
from some_place import some_func

session = Session()

# nb. assuming func does not expect a "web" session per se, pass instance

# nb. these behave the same (instance vs. class method)
users = session.query(model.User).all()
users = Session.query(model.User).all()