
Upgrade Views

class wuttaweb.views.upgrades.UpgradeView(request, context=None)[source]

Master view for upgrades.

Default route prefix is upgrades.

Notable URLs provided by this class:

  • /upgrades/

  • /upgrades/new

  • /upgrades/XXX

  • /upgrades/XXX/edit

  • /upgrades/XXX/delete


We override this method to delete any files associated with the upgrade, in addition to deleting the upgrade proper.

execute_instance(upgrade, user, progress=None)[source]

This method runs the actual upgrade.

Default logic will get the script command from config, and run it via shell in a subprocess.

The stdout and stderr streams are captured to separate log files which are then available to download.

The upgrade itself is marked as “executed” with status of either SUCCESS or FAILURE.


alias of Upgrade