App Handler

There is one special “global” type of handler which corresponds to the app itself, whereas all other handlers correspond to some “portion” of the app.

The app handler provides:

  • various “global” utilities

  • primary interface for obtaining all other handlers

The base class and default app handler is

The config object is responsible for creating the app handler via get_app():

from wuttjamaican.conf import make_config

config = make_config()
app = config.get_app()

Overriding the App Handler

It is expected that many apps will want a more customized app handler. To do this, first create your app handler class e.g. in poser/

from import AppHandler

class PoserAppHandler(AppHandler):
    Custom app handler for the Poser system.

    def make_session(self, **kwargs):
        Override this method to specify extra/default params etc.
        #kwargs.setdefault('foo', 'bar')
        session = super().make_session(**kwargs)
        return session

    def hello(self):
        Extra method to print a hello message.
        print("hello from", self.appname)

Then in your config file, specify that your app handler should be used instead of the default. Note that the config section will need to match whatever the app name is. (And note that the app name is not necessarily the same as your package name!)

# nb. this is the default
app.handler =

# but if appname is 'foobar' then it should be this
app.handler =