Virtual Environment

Regardless of platform, you are strongly encouraged to use a virtual environment for your app. This allows you to experiment with installation without affecting the rest of your system.

See also the upstream definition for Virtual Environment.

Choosing a Location

It can be helpful to standardize the location of all your virtual environments regardless of their purpose. The tool you use to create a virtual environment may or may not have opinions on where that should be.

WuttJamaican should not assume anything as far as where the virtual environments live. But if you have no preference you might consider:

  • Linux - /srv/envs

  • Windows - C:\envs

So for instance if you run Linux and make a new virtual environment named poser then it would live in /srv/envs/poser according to the above.

Creating a Virtual Environment

For our purposes, on Linux you can do this:

python3 -m venv /srv/envs/poser

Please also see Install packages in a virtual environment using pip and venv in upstream docs.