Run the Web App

At this point we assume you already have a project installed to your virtualenv, and have done basic configuration as well as established your app database.

Make/Edit Config

If you’ve been following along with this tutorial you may have already done this step, but in any case we’ll revisit now.

If you do not yet have a file at e.g. /srv/envs/rattut/app/web.conf then you should now run:

cdvirtualenv app
rattail make-config -T web

Then you must edit the generated file, looking for TODO notes and such, and generally tweaking things to your liking.

Start the Web App

The web app is effectively a daemon, in that it’s meant to be a long-running process which continues to listen for and respond to incoming requests.

In production, this may be wired up in various ways, but for now we’re only concerned with development, where we’ll be starting the web app “server” from command line:

bin/pserve --reload file+ini:app/web.conf

Note that this command will “block” - meaning control will not immediately fall back to your shell prompt. You may use Ctrl+C whenever you like, to kill the web app.

Browse the Web App

This will only work when the above pserve command is running, but assuming it is currently, you can access the web app at http://localhost:9080/

Note that the default web.conf specifies 9080 as the port on which the web app will listen. You can modify this as needed, but if you do, and are also using Vagrant, you may also need to modify your Vagrantfile (and do a vagrant reload).

Login to Web App

If you’ve been following along with the tutorial then you probably have already created an admin account for yourself. But in case you haven’t, please see Create Admin User in DB.

Once that’s set then you should be able to login to the web app with those same credentials.

The very first thing you see is likely “not much” - most of the menu will be hidden to you, since by default you do not have sufficient permissions to access the features they represent.

However you are an “admin” user - which really just means your user account belongs to the special “Administrators” role. This role is special in that anyone who belongs to it, is given an extra “Become Root” option in the menu. This works similarly to the Linux “root” concept, in that if you become root, you will be implicitly granted all permissions and nothing will be hidden from you. This lasts until you “stop being root” or logout.