Rattail Tutorial

First of all, welcome to Rattail!

This project is a tutorial of sorts, to show how to use Rattail in the real world. (It is accordingly named ‘rattail-tutorial’.)

While it aims to cover many areas, this tutorial is not exhaustive. This project’s goals include:

  • show how to setup your development environment

  • show how to create a new project

  • show how to get your project up and running, i.e. with a database and web app

  • show how to customize and extend your app in various ways, to suit your needs

  • show how to integrate with another system (CORE-POS) in a custom way

  • provide a “working example” of all documented concepts

That last one means, you can install and run the rattail-tutorial app yourself, and e.g. further customize it to get a feel for Rattail.

Please see https://rattailproject.org/docs/rattail-tutorial/ for the latest version of this document.

Front Matter

It will be helpful to understand a few things before you get started:

Rattail itself is a “library” more than it is an “app”. The idea is that the Rattail Project will provide “most” of the base functionality you need from an app, but ultimately you must create a project of your own, which “uses” Rattail functionality to accomplish your goals.

Rattail docs always refer to “your” app with the name “Poser”. In fact this tutorial will not be using the name “Poser” (much) - but that is usually what you will see in all other docs, to represent “your” (i.e. any custom) app.

This “rattail-tutorial” project is a proper app. Following from the previous point, this project/app is named “rattail-tutorial” and therefore instead of using the name “Poser” within this tutorial, we will be using its actual name.

Table of Contents

Indices and tables