Source code for wuttaweb.auth

# -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
#  wuttaweb -- Web App for Wutta Framework
#  Copyright © 2024 Lance Edgar
#  This file is part of Wutta Framework.
#  Wutta Framework is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
#  Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
#  later version.
#  Wutta Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
#  more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
#  Wutta Framework.  If not, see <>.
Auth Utility Logic

import re

from pyramid.authentication import SessionAuthenticationHelper
from pyramid.request import RequestLocalCache
from import remember, forget

from wuttaweb.db import Session

[docs] def login_user(request, user): """ Perform the steps necessary to "login" the given user. This returns a ``headers`` dict which you should pass to the final redirect, like so:: from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound headers = login_user(request, user) return HTTPFound(location='/', headers=headers) .. warning:: This logic does not "authenticate" the user! It assumes caller has already authenticated the user and they are safe to login. See also :func:`logout_user()`. """ headers = remember(request, user.uuid) return headers
[docs] def logout_user(request): """ Perform the logout action for the given request. This returns a ``headers`` dict which you should pass to the final redirect, like so:: from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound headers = logout_user(request) return HTTPFound(location='/', headers=headers) See also :func:`login_user()`. """ request.session.delete() request.session.invalidate() headers = forget(request) return headers
[docs] class WuttaSecurityPolicy: """ Pyramid :term:`security policy` for WuttaWeb. For more on the Pyramid details, see :doc:`pyramid:narr/security`. But the idea here is that you should be able to just use this, without thinking too hard:: from pyramid.config import Configurator from wuttaweb.auth import WuttaSecurityPolicy pyramid_config = Configurator() pyramid_config.set_security_policy(WuttaSecurityPolicy()) This security policy will then do the following: * use the request "web session" for auth storage (e.g. current ``user.uuid``) * check permissions as needed, by calling :meth:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.auth.AuthHandler.has_permission()` for current user :param db_session: Optional :term:`db session` to use, instead of :class:`wuttaweb.db.sess.Session`. Probably only useful for tests. """ def __init__(self, db_session=None): self.session_helper = SessionAuthenticationHelper() self.identity_cache = RequestLocalCache(self.load_identity) self.db_session = db_session or Session() def load_identity(self, request): config = request.registry.settings['wutta_config'] app = config.get_app() model = app.model # fetch user uuid from current session uuid = self.session_helper.authenticated_userid(request) if not uuid: return # fetch user object from db user = self.db_session.get(model.User, uuid) if not user: return return user def identity(self, request): return self.identity_cache.get_or_create(request) def authenticated_userid(self, request): user = self.identity(request) if user is not None: return user.uuid def remember(self, request, userid, **kw): return self.session_helper.remember(request, userid, **kw) def forget(self, request, **kw): return self.session_helper.forget(request, **kw) def permits(self, request, context, permission): # nb. root user can do anything if getattr(request, 'is_root', False): return True config = request.registry.settings['wutta_config'] app = config.get_app() auth = app.get_auth_handler() user = self.identity(request) return auth.has_permission(self.db_session, user, permission)
[docs] def add_permission_group(pyramid_config, groupkey, label=None, overwrite=True): """ Pyramid directive to add a "permission group" to the app's awareness. The app must be made aware of all permissions, so they are exposed when editing a :class:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.db.model.auth.Role`. The logic for discovering permissions is in :meth:`~wuttaweb.views.roles.RoleView.get_available_permissions()`. This is usually called from within a master view's :meth:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.defaults()` to establish the permission group which applies to the view model. A simple example of usage:: pyramid_config.add_permission_group('widgets', label="Widgets") :param groupkey: Unique key for the permission group. In the context of a master view, this will be the same as :attr:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.permission_prefix`. :param label: Optional label for the permission group. If not specified, it is derived from ``groupkey``. :param overwrite: If the permission group was already established, this flag controls whether the group's label should be overwritten (with ``label``). See also :func:`add_permission()`. """ config = pyramid_config.get_settings()['wutta_config'] app = config.get_app() def action(): perms = pyramid_config.get_settings().get('wutta_permissions', {}) if overwrite or groupkey not in perms: group = perms.setdefault(groupkey, {'key': groupkey}) group['label'] = label or app.make_title(groupkey) pyramid_config.add_settings({'wutta_permissions': perms}) pyramid_config.action(None, action)
[docs] def add_permission(pyramid_config, groupkey, key, label=None): """ Pyramid directive to add a single "permission" to the app's awareness. The app must be made aware of all permissions, so they are exposed when editing a :class:`~wuttjamaican:wuttjamaican.db.model.auth.Role`. The logic for discovering permissions is in :meth:`~wuttaweb.views.roles.RoleView.get_available_permissions()`. This is usually called from within a master view's :meth:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.defaults()` to establish "known" permissions based on master view feature flags (:attr:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.viewable`, :attr:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.editable`, etc.). A simple example of usage:: pyramid_config.add_permission('widgets', 'widgets.polish', label="Polish all the widgets") :param groupkey: Unique key for the permission group. In the context of a master view, this will be the same as :attr:`~wuttaweb.views.master.MasterView.permission_prefix`. :param key: Unique key for the permission. This should be the "complete" permission name which includes the permission prefix. :param label: Optional label for the permission. If not specified, it is derived from ``key``. See also :func:`add_permission_group()`. """ def action(): config = pyramid_config.get_settings()['wutta_config'] app = config.get_app() perms = pyramid_config.get_settings().get('wutta_permissions', {}) group = perms.setdefault(groupkey, {'key': groupkey}) group.setdefault('label', app.make_title(groupkey)) perm = group.setdefault('perms', {}).setdefault(key, {'key': key}) perm['label'] = label or app.make_title(key) pyramid_config.add_settings({'wutta_permissions': perms}) pyramid_config.action(None, action)