Adding a Custom Report

We’ll start with a simple report which shows all departments and the number of products for each.

Each type of report has a “key” which uniquely identifies it. For this example we’ll use poser_dept_prod_counts for the key. Note that it’s a good idea to always use an app-specific prefix (e.g. poser_) in the key.

Typically you will create a new Python module which is named according to the key. Here we’ll create ~/src/poser/poser/reports/, and in it we’ll define the report:

from sqlalchemy import orm

from rattail.reporting import ExcelReport

class DepartmentProductCounts(ExcelReport):
    Shows all departments and the number of products for each.
    type_key = 'poser_dept_prod_counts'
    name = "Department Product Counts"
    output_fields = [

    def make_data(self, session, params, progress=None, **kwargs):
        model = self.model

        # fetch all departments, with product lists pre-loaded
        departments = session.query(model.Department)\
        rows = []

        def add_row(department, i):
                'department_number': department.number,
                'product_count': len(department.products),

        self.progress_loop(add_row, departments, progress,
                           message="Fetching data for report")
        return rows

Then you must register your new report type, to make it available to the app. This is done within your project’s file, for instance:

    name = "Poser",

    # ...

    entry_points = {

        'rattail.reports': [
            'poser_dept_prod_counts = poser.reports.dept_prod_counts:DepartmentProductCounts',

Once you’ve added that you must re-install the app to your virtual environment, for instance:

cd /srv/envs/poser
source bin/activate
pip install -e ~/src/poser

At this point the report should be available for running within the app. See Generating a Report for more info.