
In most cases the Person-related data already lives in a (e.g. POS) SQL database and may be queried directly by Rattail. This means you may view that data directly in the web app.

All of the Person-related records may also be imported into Rattail from other systems, and this is usually the best place to get started; see Importing.

Once the data lives in Rattail you obviously may view it within the web app (so, reading from Rattail DB instead of POS DB now). But this also sets the stage for other features which require such data to be in place; for instance Customer Orders.

You also may want to allow editing for some or perhaps all aspects; see Editing.

The data (and any changes made via editing, if applicable) may also be exported back to the source and/or other systems; see Exporting.

Sometimes you need to process a “set” of data, for instance taking an export file from one system and then preparing it for import to another system. This is a broad topic; for a starting point see Batches.

Duplicate records are an ongoing problem in many systems, when it comes to Person-related data. Rattail does allow merging of 2 records but it can be tricky; see Merging.